What Israel’s Controversial Judicial Overhaul Means for Palestinians

What Israel’s Controversial Judicial Overhaul Means for Palestinians (archived)

For Palestinians, many of whom will have watched yesterday’s events from the sidelines, the judicial overhaul only stands to accelerate what has already been a worsening situation. The last couple of years have seen a major uptick in violence in the occupied territories, marked by deadly military raids and settler rampages. 2022 was the deadliest year for Palestinians in nearly two decades, and this year appears on course to beat that record. “The trends that we’re seeing have become much worse,” says Zonszein. “The reality on the ground for Palestinians was bad before [the judicial overhaul], and it’s bad now.”

Illinois Rep Rashid among those threatened by armed American Israeli settlers during pogrom in Turmus Ayya, Palestine

Illinois Rep Rashid among those threatened by armed American Israeli settlers during pogrom in Turmosaya, Palestine

The American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee has called for an official investigation into American Israelis who hold dual citizenship and who are involved in a growing wave of anti-Palestinian pogroms and violence. State Rep. Abdelnasser Rashid sends letter to his legislative colleagues to detail his predicament in the threatening environment but to no response. Gov. J.B. Pritzker remains silent

Illinois Rep Rashid among those threatened by armed American Israeli settlers during pogrom in Turmosaya, Palestine


American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee Urges Criminal Investigation into US Citizens Involved in Attacks on Palestinian Civilians in West Bank

Biden won’t protect Palestinian Americans from Israeli attacks

For the second time this year, large numbers of armed Israeli settlers have rampaged through Palestinian communities in the occupied West Bank terrorizing Palestinians in their homes.

Biden won’t protect Palestinian Americans from Israeli attacks

Links behind paywalls:

Israeli settlers torch Palestinian homes and cars to avenge deadly shooting. A Palestinian is killed

You, American taxpayer, are helping to fund Israeli settlements

U.S. Ambassador: We Will Not Stand Idly by and Watch Settler Violence

Israel’s Far-right Finance Minister: ‘I’m a Fascist Homophobe But… I Won’t Stone Gays’

Israel Eases West Bank Settlement Rules, Clearing Way for New Homes

UN adopts resolution on Syrian, Palestinian sovereignty over natural resources in Israeli-occupied territories

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has adopted a resolution declaring that Syrians and Palestinians have sovereignty over their natural resources in the Israeli-occupied tracts of land in the strategic Golan Heights and the West Bank, including East al-Quds.

UN adopts resolution on Syrian, Palestinian sovereignty over natural resources in Israeli-occupied territories

The story of the Lions’ Den

The Lions’ Den was relatively unknown outside of Nablus until a few months ago but today they have gained hero-like status across Palestine — for leading a revival of armed resistance against Israeli colonialism. This is their story.

The story of the Lions’ Den

Video via Palestinian Chronicle TV


Ramzy Baroud on Gaza’s Lions’ Den Photos: ‘Armed Rebellion in Palestine is Now Imminent’

“This is a proof that the Lions’ Den is a popular Palestinian phenomenon that extends beyond Nablus, to the rest of Palestine,” Palestinian journalist and editor of The Palestine Chronicle Ramzy Baroud said, commenting on newly-emerged photos of Gaza fighters wearing the Lions’ Den symbols.

15 years of failed experiments: Myths and facts about the Israeli siege on Gaza

By Ramzy Baroud | MEMO | July 5, 2022

Fifteen years have passed since Israel imposed a total siege on the Gaza Strip, subjecting nearly two million Palestinians to one of the longest and most cruel politically-motivated blockades in history. Back then, the Israeli government justified its siege as the only way to protect Israel from Palestinian “terrorism and rocket attacks”. This is the occupation state’s official line to this day, and yet not many Israelis — certainly not in government, the media or even ordinary people — would argue that Israel today is safer than it was prior to June 2007.

15 years of failed experiments: Myths and facts about the Israeli siege on Gaza