Journalists Anxiously Wait For Email From Biden Administration With Today’s Instructions

WASHINGTON, D.C. — As the sun rose on a new day in America, the staunch guardians of free speech and journalistic integrity that is the media eagerly waited for the daily email from the Biden administration to notify them of the day’s official instructions and talking points.

Journalists Anxiously Wait For Email From Biden Administration With Today’s Instructions

Bad News For The Internet: Congress Looking To Sneak In Dangerous ‘Save The Kids!’ Internet Bill Into Year-End Omnibus

Over the last week or so, I keep hearing about a big push among activists and lawmakers to try to get the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) into the year-end “must pass” omnibus bill. Earlier this week, one of the main parents pushing for the bill went on Jake Tapper’s show on CNN and stumped for it. And, the latest report from Axios confirms that lawmakers are looking to include it in the lameduck omnibus, or possibly the NDAA (despite it having absolutely nothing to do with defense spending).

Bad News For The Internet: Congress Looking To Sneak In Dangerous ‘Save The Kids!’ Internet Bill Into Year-End Omnibus


KOSA Would Let the Government Control What Young People See Online

[2008] Yes, Joe Biden’s Helicopter Really Was “Forced Down” in Afghanistan

One of the narratives the blogs are talking about this week is that Joe Biden is—gasp!—”gaffe-prone.” Nevermind the fact that this has been the story about Biden for 30 years: now journalists are even finding gaffes where none exist. In a post on The Stump exploring Biden’s unfortunate attack on his own campaign’s ad, Michael Crowley claims that this Joe Biden anecdote is a “gaffe”:

Yes, Joe Biden’s Helicopter Really Was “Forced Down” in Afghanistan


The Story Behind Biden’s Emergency Helicopter Landing in Afghanistan

U.S. senators in emergency Afghan landing

The gaffe-o-meter

Biden made the claim, again, last Friday. So-called fact-checkers are saying that the first time he made the claim was in 2015. The first time was actually during his 2008 presidential campaign. The argument, I guess, is between whether his helicopter was forced down or made an emergency landing?! Sure, he makes quite a few gaffes, but this one seems like a nothingburger compared to his Fallujah one (or other numerous gaffes).

Katie Halper: I Was Canceled for Criticizing Israel

On Monday, September 26, I delivered a video monologue as part of my job as a rotating co-host for The Hill TV’s political commentary show, Rising. I’d been a weekly guest on the show for three years, and this was my first “Radar”—an op-ed delivered straight to the camera. It was also my last. On September 28, I was fired.

I Was Canceled for Criticizing Israel


Hill TV Segment on Rashida Tlaib and Israel Is Censored

John Bolton- Coup Planner Eyeing Turkey for “Democracy”

As we all know John Bolton has played his role in fomenting coups. He admitted it the other day.

What should come as no surprise to my long term readership is John Bolton has Turkey in his sights. The attempted coup back in 2016 didn’t go as planned. So a “big gun” was needed

John Bolton- Coup Planner Eyeing Turkey for “Democracy”


Does Bolton imply US behind Turkey’s July 15 coup bid too?

Speaking to Fox TV as the coup plot unfolded in Turkey on July 15, 2016, Bolton had then also did not shy away from exposing his appetite and support for coups. “I have no charity in my heart for Erdoğan, if he goes down I’m not shedding any tears,” he had then said during the televised interview. At this moment, President Joe Biden’s remarks ahead of his election to the White House should also come to mind. In a video clip recorded ahead of his election, Biden told the New York Times editorial board that the U.S. could support opposition elements in Turkey to change the tide of political developments.

Biden also implied he would involve the U.S. directly into domestic Turkish affairs.

“I’m still of the view that if we were to engage more directly like I was doing with them, that we can support those elements of the Turkish leadership that still exist and get more from them and embolden them to be able to take on and defeat Erdoğan. Not by a coup, not by a coup, but by the electoral process,” Biden had then said.


Turkey: While Erdogan bargains with the USA, the Turkish opposition makes friends with the US elites

US Prepares to Oust Erdoğan