Massive Shelling Of Donetsk On New Year’s Eve Killed Four Civilians, Wounded More

At midnight on New Year’s Eve, Ukrainian Nazis launched massive attack on the city of Donetsk. The Armed Forces of Ukraine shelled the center and different residential quarters of the city with multiple rocket launchers. Explosions thundered across the city. Rockets began to fall on the peaceful city immediately after the New Year came.

Massive Shelling Of Donetsk On New Year’s Eve Killed Four Civilians, Wounded More


YouTube: Ukraine launches NYE terror on Donetsk

Violeta’s Birthday – A frontline child who hasn’t known a day without being under Ukraine shelling


Many of you know already Violeta, and if you don’t, you should. Violeta and many other children are the true victims of Western-supplied munitions that bombard Donetsk every single day. Even a balloon popping during the birthday sends everyone into a state of panic.

Violeta’s Birthday – A frontline child who hasn’t known a day without being under Ukraine shelling

18+: The Ukrainian army bombs the centre of Donetsk

In the late afternoon of 7 November 2023, the Ukrainian army shelled the centre of Donetsk with Himars multiple rocket launchers. Although Russian anti-aircraft defences managed to shoot down several rockets, two slipped through the net and hit the social welfare building, completely destroying the staircase and causing the ceiling to collapse on the employees inside. Six civilians were killed and 11 injured. While firefighters and journalists were at the scene, the Ukrainian army shelled the same area a second time. As a result of this second strike, one of the police officers responsible for traffic in the bombed area was injured.

The Ukrainian army bombs the centre of Donetsk, killing six civilians – Donbass Insider


Death Toll of Ukrainian HIMARS Strike on Donetsk Rises to Over 20 – Videos


Donetsk is on fire – Ukraine hammers Donetsk with western supplied munitions


Definitely the biggest attack in months, Ukraine hammered Donetsk with Western-supplied munitions, perhaps not to be undone by events in Gaza. Unfortunately, we can report on 20 injured including 3 journalists whom we know personally and 3 civilians dead. may they RIP

Donetsk is on fire – Ukraine hammers Donetsk with western supplied munitions


Two people killed, 14 wounded in Kiev artillery fire at DPR over 24 hours

Fire In Donetsk: Ukrainian Terrorists Attack Civilians With Cluster Munitions

Elections under fire in Donetsk


CafeRevolution links: YouTube/Bitchute/Blogger/Telegram


Polls open across Donetsk People’s Republic for September 8-10 vote — local election body

All 615 polling stations in DPR begin operation, no incidents reported

Early voting was held from August 31 to September 7 to decrease the number of people during onsite ballot casting. “If Volnovakha (where four election commission members were wounded by artillery fire on September 6 — eds Donetsk News Agency) held onsite voting at that time, the casualty toll could have been much higher, ” an Election Commission representative said.