Pentagon Profiteers: Executive Compensation in the Arms Industry

Pentagon Profiteers: Executive Compensation in the Arms Industry

Another way to understand the size of CEO compensation at the big contractors is to look at how many jobs would be created if that $287 million were spent on something else. The answer is that spending that money on productive activities would create thousands of jobs: 2,812 jobs in clean energy or infrastructure; 4,104 jobs in health care; and 4,362 in education, calculated using data on the jobs impact of government spending generated by Heidi Peltier for the Brown Costs of War Project.

Ukraine: Weapons Expert Urges Negotiation vs. “Military-First Approach”

Ukraine: Weapons Expert Urges Negotiation vs. “Military-First Approach”


June 18th, 2022 – Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls in 2022

There can be no ‘foreign policy for the middle class’ without a diplomatic resolution to Ukraine war

Hawks’ Arguments For Jacking Up Pentagon Spending Make No Sense