Leila Khaled: “This Is Now An Intifada”

Leila Khaled: “This Is Now An Intifada”


Leila Khaled

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Is ‘Jewish supremacy’ translating into anti-Christian violence in Jerusalem?

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is seen by many as largely a conflict between Israeli Jews and Arab Muslims. But the events of the last month in Jerusalem suggest a new element has emerged for those closely watching the situation. In the past few weeks, five anti-Christian violent incidents took place in Jerusalem at the hands of Jewish radicals, provoking the Franciscans who are custodians of the Christian holy sites in the city to issue a statement detailing some of these acts.

Is ‘Jewish supremacy’ translating into anti-Christian violence in Jerusalem?

Neturei Karta visits city of Jenin and its refugee camp & are arrested

A delegation of the Jewish anti-Zionist Neturei Karta visited the occupied West Bank city of Jenin and its refugee camp, On Monday, January 9, 2023

The delegation was received by, Fatah Secretary General Ata Abu Rumeileh, and other local residents.

“We are Palestinian Jews. We want to live under the Palestinian flag, not the Israeli one, in one state, which is the Palestinian state.” A spokesman for the delegation said.

He added, “Hundreds of years ago and before the advent of the occupation, we used to live together in the old town of Jerusalem. There was no mistrust between Jews and Muslims. We used to live happily together, and later the Zionists came and formed pressure to separate us, but we reject that. We want peace and not the racist Israeli law that poses a threat to our lives, Jews and Muslims,” adding, “No matter how time passes. We will continue to adhere to our dream and our common goals. We want Palestine with its capital, Jerusalem, and the Palestinian rule, so that we can live happily.”

In conclusion the spokesmen reaffirmed that, “the existence of the Zionist occupation of Palestine and all its criminal action are in total violation of Jewish law. The Zionist do not represent the Jewish people.”

For his part, Atta Abu Rumaila, welcomed the delegation, praising their positions and their sincere solidarity with Palestine. “They entered the camp raising the Palestinian flag, carrying a message in which they said we are with you against killing, occupation and settlement, and with the Palestinian state.”

“We believe in peace. And they, too, believe in peace and believe in living together in total respect, with every person having their rights and freedoms,” he added.

Present at the meeting was also well known Maher al-Akhras, who was in Israeli administrative detention and released with no charge on November 26, 2020, after 103 days hunger strike.

al-Akhras thanked the delegation for their visit, which carries an important message of peace, in these days when the aggression and threats of the settler government are escalating.

He added, “We praise the positions of the anti-Zionist community, as its sons were residing in Palestine before the Nakba. They were abandoned as we were, and as we became refugees, they became refugees, and they faced the same torment that we suffer from the occupation.”

Neturei Karta visits city of Jenin and its refugee camp via Neturei Karta


Israel investigates Neturei Karta visit to Jenin camp

Neturei Karta Visitor to Jenin Arrested by Israel Police

Steve Bannon And China’s Deep State

Steve Bannon And China’s Deep State

Although a century has passed since Coudenhove-Kalergi’s pan Europa was founded, the same principles are shaping the contours of our current age. Just as vast systemic crises threatening the lives of the majority of souls living on our planet press ominously against our future as they had a century ago, similar techniques of controlled opposition and games within games are used by the same oligarchical class who have orchestrated the current state of affairs. Many good people whose hearts are too large and understanding too shallow have already gotten absorbed into false narratives that frame those mortal enemies of the West as either Russia or China, while ignoring the causal hand of those same oligarchical agencies seeking to reduce all sovereign nations and cultures to rubble under a new Crusade. 

Don’t fall for it.


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