Colombian victims win historic verdict over Chiquita: Jury finds banana company liable for financing death squads.

After 17 years of litigation, a monumental win for victims of paramilitary violence in Colombia before a court in the United States.

Colombian victims win historic verdict over Chiquita: Jury finds banana company liable for financing death squads.


Chiquita Found Liable for Colombia Paramilitary Killings

National Security Archive Schedule of Chiquita’s Paramilitary Payments Evidence at Trial

Jury Awards Banana Company Victims $38.3 Million in Landmark Human Rights Case

Chiquita bananas, CIA funded coups, and Colombian hit squads.

Palestine Land Day 2024 will have a very different feel about it

We are approaching the 48th commemoration of Palestine Land Day, and there is no doubt that 30 March will have very different feel about it this year, with the Palestinians in Gaza being killed and starved in defense of their land against the brutal Zionist military offensive over almost six months, during which the Gaza Strip has been systematically destroyed. Civilian infrastructure has been targeted by Israel, including homes, hospitals, schools, places of worship and governmental and non-government institutions. UNRWA buildings have also been targeted and destroyed. In every practical sense of the word, Gaza is uninhabitable.

Palestine Land Day 2024 will have a very different feel about it

Tens of Thousands Forced to Flee Democratic Republic of Congo as US/Rwanda-Supported M23 Attacks Intensify (+Coltan)

Source (2nacheki)

Attacks by the Rwanda-backed M23 have led to another wave of mass displacement in the province of North Kivu. The rebel group has tried to make advances towards the provincial capital of Goma, attacking the town of Sake which lies just 25 kilometers away.

Tens of Thousands Forced to Flee Democratic Republic of Congo as US/Rwanda-Supported M23 Attacks Intensify (+Coltan)


CONGRESS: Do Not Allow Our Tax Dollars To Fund Conflict In The Congo!

Ukrainian Trial Demonstrates 2014 Maidan Massacre Was False Flag

A massacre of protesters during the 2014 Maidan coup set the stage for the ouster of Ukraine’s elected president, Viktor Yanukovych. Now, an explosive trial in Kiev has produced evidence the killings were a false flag designed to trigger regime change.

Ukrainian Trial Demonstrates 2014 Maidan Massacre Was False Flag


Euromaidan Event Reconstruction:

This project is part of SITU’s Spatial Practice as Evidence and Advocacy (SPEA) project, which seeks to utilize spatial analysis and visualization in the service of human rights fact-finding and reporting. The work of SPEA is funded by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Oak Foundation and the Open Society Foundations.

On the strategic relationship between Venezuela and China

During a state visit to the People’s Republic of China in September 2023, Venezuelan president, Nicolas Maduro met president Xi Jinping and both agreed to strengthen the relationship of their countries by establishing seven sub commissions to elevate it to the level of ‘all-weather strategic partnership’. This is the culmination of a relationship that began with president Hugo Chavez’s first visit to Beijing in 1999, the very first year of his presidency.

On the strategic relationship between Venezuela and China