Vladimir Putin Promotes Traditional Culture over “Cancel” Culture – English Subtitles

Michael Rossi Poli Sci

Russian President Vladimir Putin addresses the plenary session of the 9th St Petersburg International Cultural Forum – the Forum of United Cultures.

His opening remarks note the value of traditional national culture in forms of art, literature, music, language, and values, while noting the growing trend in Western countries of “cancel culture” that, in his view, deviates from historical development and contribution.

This opening address is part of a two-hour segment devoted to the St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum, which Putin was the main guest at the Plenary Session.

The remaining parts will be uploaded in 25 – 30 minute segments that include questions and comments from participating members of the audience.

The whole series is available in a new Playlist “2023 St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum“.

In original Russian with English subtitles

Recorded November 17, 2023

Original video and transcript

Vladimir Putin Promotes Traditional Culture over “Cancel” Culture – English Subtitles

US accused over huge ‘covert pro-Western’ digital campaign targeting Middle East

Dozens of social media accounts operating for years in an attempt to influence people in the Middle East and Asia have been shut down. Now a major new study believes the US is likely behind it

US accused over huge ‘covert pro-Western’ digital campaign targeting Middle East



Evaluating Five Years of Pro-Western Covert Influence Operations

The US government got caught using sock puppets to spread propaganda on social media

The data analyzed came from 146 Twitter accounts (which tweeted 299,566 times), 39 Facebook profiles, and 26 Instagram accounts, along with 16 Facebook pages and two Facebook groups. Some of the accounts were meant to appear like real people and used AI-generated profile pictures. Meta and Twitter didn’t specifically name any organizations or people behind the campaigns but said their analysis led them to believe they originated in the US and Great Britain.

For anyone who’s ever been within 15 feet of a history book, the news that the US is using covert action to push its interests in other countries won’t come as a surprise. It is, however, interesting that these operations were uncovered just as social media companies are gearing up to deal with a wave of foreign interference and misinformation in our own elections.

The report also comes right on the heels of a bombshell whistleblower report from Peiter “Mudge” Zatko, Twitter’s former head of security, which accused the company of lax security practices and misrepresenting the number of bots on its platform (something the US government is investigating and that Twitter has strongly denied).

Kazakhstan turns into graveyard for US diplomacy + More

The Kazakh Ministry of Health issued an innocuous disclaimer today denying social media reports about the seizure of a “military biological lab near Almaty by unidentified people.”

Kazakhstan turns into graveyard for US diplomacy


The US is Preparing a Biological Time Bomb in Kazakhstan

What Viruses are Being Studied by US Military Bio-Laboratories in Kazakhstan?

Calmer in Kazakhstan- Opposition Banker aka Leader Calls for Western Involvement

The battle over fugitive billionaire Mukhtar Ablyazov stretches from Kazakhstan to Knightsbridge


Protests in Kazakhstan! Why Kazakhstan?

I’m quite sure this has western backing. That’s my relatively educated and insightful opinion. A“protest” of this size coming out of nowhere? Not credible.

Protests in Kazakhstan! Why Kazakhstan?

My thoughts, as well!


Kazakhstan: This is NOT a protest.

Further Reading Recommended by Penny (archived because it’s behind a paywall for me):

Will Unrest in Kazakhstan Inflame Tensions Between Russia and the West?


Moscow: Events in Kazakhstan Are Attempt to Undermine Security of State, Inspired From Abroad

Moscow: Events in Kazakhstan Are Attempt to Undermine Security of State, Inspired From Abroad

Moscow: Events in Kazakhstan Are Attempt to Undermine Security of State, Inspired From Abroad

What happened:

Kazakhstan unrest: Dozens killed, about 2,000 arrested as protesters clash with police in Almaty

Kazakhstan is a major energy power, among the top exporters of oil globally and in the leading 20 for gas. The country’s government has subsidized liquefied petroleum gas for years, but when it lifted price controls on LPG, it argued that keeping them in place was no longer sustainable.


BRI will make the whole region a well-connected village: Kazakhstan envoy

Terrorists operating in Afghanistan targeting CPEC projects: Pakistan