Orinoco Tribune Editor: There Was a Coup Against Pedro Castillo in Peru + Some Notes

Orinoco Tribune Editor: There Was a Coup Against Pedro Castillo in Peru

Rodríguez remarked that the appointment of Vice President Dina Boluarte as the de facto president is a measure adopted by the Peruvian Congress to disguise the coup d’état. “Naming Dina Boluarte as the de facto president is a halfway solution between Pedro Castillo and José William Zapata, the president of Congress, who is a right-wing military man accused of corruption and drug trafficking and what have you,” he opined. “So, I believe they chose Dina Boluarte to prevent greater tension or political instability in Peru… In fact, José William Zapata was the president of Peru for some minutes and then transferred power to Dina Boluarte. This was all that was behind the coup in Peru.”

Some notes, to self, on José Williams, Hernando de Soto, Institute for Liberty and Democracy, Omidyar Network, & Atlas Network:

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A Latino Alt-Right? This Is How Vox Advances In Latin America

A Latino Alt-Right? This Is How Vox Advances In Latin America

In Mexico, he has already had the support of several congressmen. The Spanish party received the support of 15 senators and three congressmen from the traditional National Action Party (PAN) and the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).

But Mexico is not the only Latin American country where the right has already established ties with the Abascal movement. In Colombia, several politicians of the right-wing within Uribismo, see in Vox a model of a party more suitable to their ideology. Characters such as María Fernanda Cabal, a presidential candidate, are close to Trumpism and the Spanish right. She shares the idea of creating a common front against international progressivism and sees in Vox an ideal ally.

Likewise, they have also tried to open relations in Peru with the Popular Force party of the controversial Keiko Fujimori. The Vox delegation was attended by its vice president and deputy, Víctor González, MEP Hermann Tertsch and the director of the Disenso Foundation, Jorge Martín Frías.


[2018] Will Bannonism Play in Spain?

Traditionalism, Steve Bannon, and World Politics


Peruvian socialist Pedro Castillo pulls ahead in election as further hurdles await

Peruvian socialist Pedro Castillo pulls ahead in election as further hurdles await

Those familiar with leftism in Latin America will remain wary even if Castillo is declared the official winner. The coup against Bolivia’s MAS is fresh in American’s memory, and former leftist Brazilian president Lula has only just been released from prison following the reversal of false charges. It’s been proven true that all over the world when countries try to exercise autonomy and shake the chains of capital they are often met with both overt and covert retaliation from the national establishment as well as the US empire. If, as is looking increasingly likely, Castillo does come out with the ballot box victory, more challenges will inevitably lie ahead.

As the final votes are being counted, Fujimori has already begun to make vague claims of “signs of fraud“.


Castillo Leading Fujimori in Peru Vote with 97.2% of Ballots Counted