NATO has failed to weaken Russia

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US General Says Russia’s Military Is Bigger Than Before Ukraine Invasion

“In sum, Russia is on track to command the largest military on the continent,” he said. “Regardless of the outcome of the war in Ukraine, Russia will be larger, more lethal, and angrier with the West than when it invaded.”

Back in April 2022, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin declared one goal of the proxy war was to “weaken” Russia. More recently, hawks in Congress have been claiming that the damage being done to the Russian military is a good enough reason to continue fueling the conflict.


Ukraine’s Top General Says Situation on the Battlefield Has ‘Significantly Worsened’

Jailed as collaborators: the stories of Ukrainians who ended up in prison

Jailed as collaborators: the stories of Ukrainians who ended up in prison

Most of the high-level turncoats managed to flee to Russia, meaning it is mostly lower-level collaborators who are in jail. As Russia continues to strike Ukraine, causing death and misery, there is scant sympathy for these people, as evidenced by one male prisoner with a 12-year sentence who agreed to be photographed but declined to share his name. He had been assaulted by his cellmates while in pre-trial detention. They tattooed the word “Orc” – a pejorative term for Russian soldiers widely used in Ukraine – on his forehead.

Holomb admitted her guilt, she said, because she felt she had no choice. She was sentenced to 15 years in prison. She is currently with her two-year-old daughter in prison, but after her third birthday the child will be taken away. “Everyone was in shock at the sentence. My mum hired a lawyer, we filed an appeal but it was too late,” she said.

Holomb has now signed a request asking to be swapped in a prisoner exchange and sent to Russia, as she thinks it is her best chance of being freed. She has never set foot in the country before.

Many of those the Guardian interviewed insisted their innocent activity had been misinterpreted and they had then been pressured into signing confessions. Valentyn Moroi, a 52-year-old from Sloviansk, said he had merely taken photographs of the warehouse where he worked, to prove everything was secure, and sent them to his boss, who was in Russia. The SBU had taken this as evidence he was sending classified information to Russian intelligence, he claimed.

The Grim Prospects of US Proxies: Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan

By Brian Berletic

Source: New Eastern Outlook

As Russia’s special military operation (SMO) approaches two years of intense fighting, having parried Ukraine’s “spring counteroffensive” and with the initiative shifting to Russian forces, Western capitals are now admitting they are reaching the limits to remaining support for Kiev.

The Grim Prospects of US Proxies: Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan

18+: The Ukrainian army bombs the centre of Donetsk

In the late afternoon of 7 November 2023, the Ukrainian army shelled the centre of Donetsk with Himars multiple rocket launchers. Although Russian anti-aircraft defences managed to shoot down several rockets, two slipped through the net and hit the social welfare building, completely destroying the staircase and causing the ceiling to collapse on the employees inside. Six civilians were killed and 11 injured. While firefighters and journalists were at the scene, the Ukrainian army shelled the same area a second time. As a result of this second strike, one of the police officers responsible for traffic in the bombed area was injured.

The Ukrainian army bombs the centre of Donetsk, killing six civilians – Donbass Insider


Death Toll of Ukrainian HIMARS Strike on Donetsk Rises to Over 20 – Videos


Elections under fire in Donetsk


CafeRevolution links: YouTube/Bitchute/Blogger/Telegram


Polls open across Donetsk People’s Republic for September 8-10 vote — local election body

All 615 polling stations in DPR begin operation, no incidents reported

Early voting was held from August 31 to September 7 to decrease the number of people during onsite ballot casting. “If Volnovakha (where four election commission members were wounded by artillery fire on September 6 — eds Donetsk News Agency) held onsite voting at that time, the casualty toll could have been much higher, ” an Election Commission representative said.