Beijing claims Chinese ministry official is CIA recruit, second arrest China lays at feet of US spy agency in a month

China’s top anti-espionage agency, the Ministry of State Security (MSS), announced on Monday it has arrested an official it says is a spy for the CIA.

Beijing claims Chinese ministry official is CIA recruit, second arrest China lays at feet of US spy agency in a month


[2017] Killing C.I.A. Informants, China Crippled U.S. Spying Operations

One Year After Israeli Sniper Kills Shireen Abu Akleh, No Justice for Palestinian-American Journalist

One year ago, on May 11, 2022, an Israeli soldier fatally shot the Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in the head as she was reporting on an Israeli military raid just outside the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank. She was shot while wearing a blue helmet and blue flak jacket clearly emblazoned with the word “press.” Abu Akleh was one of the most prominent TV journalists in the Arab world and had worked for Al Jazeera for a quarter of a century. She was also a U.S. citizen. But a year after her death, no one has been held accountable despite detailed testimony from eyewitnesses to the shooting. We air excerpts from the Al Jazeera investigation The Killing of Shireen Abu Akleh, which just won a George Polk Award, and speak with correspondent Sharif Abdel Kouddous. “There’s still no justice in her case, no accountability whatsoever,” says Abdel Kouddous. He adds that while the White House has been very vocal about the case of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, who is detained in Russia, the response to Abu Akleh’s killing has been muted. “Shireen was an American citizen, and her family deserves the same calls for justice, the same push for accountability from the White House.”

One Year After Israeli Sniper Kills Shireen Abu Akleh, No Justice for Palestinian-American Journalist

[2018] The Wilson administration’s war on Russian Bolshevism

“The Time You Sent Troops to Quell the Revolution”

The United States invasion of Russia remains a hidden dimension of U.S. policy in the Great War, marking the beginning of a long Cold War. In August 1918, three months prior to the Armistice, the Wilson administration sent several platoons of U.S. soldiers into Russia to aid in the overthrow of the new Bolshevik government, which had come to power in the October Revolution of 1917. The operation was carried out alongside British, French, Canadian and Japanese forces in support of White Army counter-revolutionaries whose generals were implicated in wide-scale atrocities, including pogroms against Jews. This “Midnight War” was carried out illegally, without the consent of Congress. The Commanding General in Siberia, William S. Graves thought that his mission was to protect a delegation of Czech troops and the Trans-Siberian railway and to serve as a mediator. He was disappointed to learn that in fact the United States was enmeshed in another country’s civil war and came to oppose the whole operation. In his memoirs, he expressed “doubt if history will record in the past century a more flagrant case of flouting the well-known and approved practice in states in their international relations, and using instead of the accepted principles of international law, the principle of might makes right.”

The Wilson administration’s war on Russian Bolshevism

Israel Now Using AI Technology To Kill Palestinians

By Robert Inlakesh

Israel has a long track record of testing weapons technology on Palestinians it rules over in the occupied territories, however, the Israeli military’s latest move has gone on pretty much unnoticed. Israeli AI-powered rifles and crowd control technology is now in action, with potentially lethal consequences.

Israel Now Using AI Technology To Kill Palestinians

H/T: Declaration Of Opinion

At 36, World’s Youngest Leader Boric Electrifies UN Assembly

At 36, World’s Youngest Leader Boric Electrifies UN Assembly

The Chilean president called on leaders to avoid turning a blind eye to human rights violations around the world, from Iran to Venezuela and Nicaragua. He also made a staunch defense of Ukraine, criticizing Russia’s “unjust” invasion of that country.


Chile’s Boric Is Becoming More Right Wing by the Day

Chilean president Gabriel Boric was hailed as a leftist leader. In fact, his administration has joined the U.S. in condemning Latin America’s revolutionary leaders, and voters rejected his proposed constitutional changes, with 62% opposed. Boric is a reformer who acts in league with right wing forces.

WATCH: Chilean President Boric Urges Solidarity for Palestine during UN Speech

US Secretary of State to visit Chile in early October and meet with president Boric

It’s interesting, to me, that he brings up human rights violations in nations that are the US’ boogeymen. I’ll give him credit for standing up for Palestinians, at least.