South Korea to resume loudspeaker broadcasts at DPRK

South Korea to resume loudspeaker broadcasts at DPRK

The “Fighters for Free North Korea*” group claimed to have sent balloons containing USB thumb drives loaded with K-pop music and 200,000 leaflets criticizing Kim Jong Un, while another group of DPRK defectors dispatched balloons containing anti-Pyongyang leaflets, radios, and USB thumb drives featuring a speech by South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol.

In 2020, South Korea’s Constitutional Court invalidated a law criminalizing the sending of anti-Pyongyang propaganda, citing it as an undue restriction on free speech**. Consequently, experts argue that there are currently no legal grounds for the government to intervene in activists’ balloon launches into the DPRK. The South Korean Unification Ministry stated that the issue is being deliberated in light of the 2023 court ruling.

Tensions on the Korean Peninsula have endured for an extended period as a result of systemic escalation on the part of Japan, the US, and South Korea.

The three nations have been conducting joint naval drills in the peninsula and along the demilitarized zone, which has triggered major security concerns on the part of DPRK.


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Speech Made by Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un on Congratulatory Visit to Ministry of National Defence

Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) — The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un paid a congratulatory visit to the DPRK Ministry of National Defence on the occasion of the 76th founding anniversary of the Korean People’s Army (KPA) and made a significant speech to congratulate the officers and men of the heroic KPA.

Speech Made by Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un
 on Congratulatory Visit to Ministry of National Defence

Invasion Rehearsals? North Korea Slams Joint US, South Korea & Japan Drills as Tensions Escalate

Amid a surge in joint drills carried out last year by the newly-forged trilateral military alliance of the United States, Japan, and South Korea, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) warned that Washington-backed blocs were no longer hiding their “aggressive and chauvinistic nature,” putting the international UN-based order in jeopardy.

Invasion Rehearsals? North Korea Slams Joint US, South Korea & Japan Drills as Tensions Escalate

North Korea is sitting on trillions of dollars of untapped wealth

I’m sure that US corporations would love to exploit their minerals, too.

North Korea is sitting on trillions of dollars of untapped wealth

Few think of North Korea as being a prosperous nation. But it is rich in one regard: mineral resources.

But however much North Korea could extract from other nations that way, the result would pale in comparison to the value of its largely untapped underground resources.

Below the nation’s mostly mountainous surface are vast mineral reserves, including iron, gold, magnesite, zinc, copper, limestone, molybdenum, graphite, and more—all told about 200 kinds of minerals. Also present are large amounts of rare earth metals, which factories in nearby countries need to make smartphones and other high-tech products.

Estimates as to the value of the nation’s mineral resources have varied greatly over the years, made difficult by secrecy and lack of access. North Korea itself has made what are likely exaggerated claims about them. According to one estimate from a South Korean state-owned mining company, they’re worth over $6 trillion. Another from a South Korean research institute puts the amount closer to $10 trillion.

North Korea has prioritized its mining sector since the 1970s (pdf, p. 31). But while mining production increased until about 1990—iron ore production peaked in 1985—after that it started to decline. A count in 2012 put the number of mines in the country at about 700 (pdf, p. 2). Many, though, have been poorly run and are in a state of neglect. The nation lacks the equipment, expertise, and even basic infrastructure to properly tap into the jackpot that waits in the ground.

It doesn’t help that private mining is illegal in communist North Korea, as are private enterprises in general (at least technically). Or that the ruling regime, now led by third-generation dictator Kim Jong-un, has been known to, seemingly on a whim, kick out foreign mining companies it’s allowed in, or suddenly change the terms of agreements.

Despite all this, the nation is so blessed with underground resources that mining makes up roughly 14% of the economy.

A “cash cow”

China is the sector’s main customer. Last September, South Korea’s state-run Korea Development Institute said that the mineral trade between North Korea and China remains a “cash cow” for Pyongyang despite UN sanctions, and that it accounted for 54% (paywall) of the North’s total trade volume to China in the first half of 2016. In 2015 China imported $73 million in iron ore from North Korea, and $680,000 worth of zinc in the first quarter of this year.

But South Korea has its own plans for the mineral resources. It sees them as a way to help pay for reunification (should it finally come to pass), which is expected to take decades and cost hundreds of billionsor even trillions of dollars. (Germany knows a few things about that.) Overhauling the North’s decrepit infrastructure, including the aging railway line, will be part of the enormous bill.

In May, South Korea’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport invited companies to submit bids on possible infrastructure projects in North Korea, especially ones regarding the mining sector. It argued that (paywall) the underground resources could “cover the expense of repairing the North’s poor infrastructure.”

US Soldier Travis King seeks Asylum in DPR Korea for Racial Discrimination

On July the 18th Juche 112 (2023) Travis King, 2nd class private of the US Army in south Korea illegally intruded into the territory of the DPRK in the joint security area of Panmunjom.

Looking around the joint security area of Panmunjom together with tourists at around 3:30 pm on July the 18th, King intentionally intruded into our area between the DPRK and US military contact room and resting room of military police officers to be caught by the soldiers of the Korean People’s Army on duty.

According to an investigation of an organ concerned, Travis King admitted that he illegally intruded into the territory of the DPRK.

During the investigation he confessed that he decided to come over to the DPRK opposed to inhuman maltreatment and racial discrimination in the US army.

Saying he was disillusioned at the unequal American society he expressed his will to seek political asylum either in the DPRK or in third country.

The investigation continues.

Pyongyang, August 16th Juche 112 (2023)

US Soldier Travis King seeks Asylum in DPR Korea for Racial Discrimination (Odysee) via 푸옹 Phuong DPRK Daily


KCNA Report on Interim Findings of Investigation into American Solider

U.S. Soldier, Travis King, Who Crossed Into Our Territory Wants Refuge From Mistreatment, Racial Discrimination —North Korea

How Fake News Shapes World Order

In 1989, the American public was flooded with iconic images of brave Chinese students standing up to Chinese Communist tanks in Tiananmen Square—students who were then brutally slaughtered by the Chinese military. Or so we were led to believe.

Was There Really a Massacre in Tiananmen Square–or Was It an Illusion Fabricated by U.S. Politicians and Corporate Media to Make Americans Hate China?

H/T: Emil Cosman


Tiananmen Square

Researching Tibet


Zionist Secret Service & White Russian Army

Euromaidan 2014 – Orange Revolution – War in Donbass

Bucha, Kramatorsk & Kremenchuk

Knives Are Out Again for Those Advocating For Peace on the Korean Peninsula

The knives are out again for those advocating for peace on the Korean Peninsula. Almost eight years to the day, I wrote “The Knives are Out For Those Who Challenge Militarization of the Korean Peninsula,” about Washington Beltway pundits and those on the payroll of organizations and corporations that make money out of the U.S. bureaucracy’s need for an enemy. These groups had focused their outrage and diatribes at Women Cross DMZ for organizing the 2015 trip to North and South Korea and daring to challenge the status quo of US policy toward North Korea.

Knives Are Out Again for Those Advocating For Peace on the Korean Peninsula

“Keep the Russians Down, the Americans in, and authoritarian China out” — What???

In this video I’m discussing Bart M. J. Szewczyk’s recent Foreign Policy article on “How Macron Is Blocking EU Strategy on Russia and China” and the distorted world view of these neocons. I’m discussing a shortened version. If you want to read the whole article, you can read it here:

How Macron Is Blocking EU Strategy on Russia and China

“Keep the Russians Down, the Americans in, and authoritarian China out” — What??? via Neutrality Studies