Manila escalates South China Sea row as it continues trick of ‘playing victim’ + More

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Manila escalates South China Sea row as it continues trick of ‘playing victim’

According to experts, Marcos’ tough words serve domestic political purposes when he needs to shift Filipinos’ discontent over his administration’s performance on livelihood and the economy, and are also a response to the “support” from countries outside the region, including the US. 

The US is the biggest external disturbance to peace and stability in the South China Sea,” Ding said, “without instigation from US, it is more likely that China and the Philippines would manage their differences through negotiation and consultation.”


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Dunderheaded Diplomacy: Australia’s Funding Offer to the Solomon Islands

What is it about Australian diplomacy that makes it so clumsy and dunderheaded? Is it the harsh delivery, the tactless expression, or the inability to do things with subtle reflection? On September 6, Australian diplomacy gave another display of such form with Foreign Minister Penny Wong’s remarks about the Solomon Islands elections.

Dunderheaded Diplomacy: Australia’s Funding Offer to the Solomon Islands


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Is the Solomon Islands an Australian colony?

The West Should Work Hard to Strengthen the UN Family of Institutions Instead of Trying To Weaken Them

Kishore Mahbubani, distinguished fellow at the Asia Research Institute of National University of Singapore and former Singaporean Ambassador to the United Nations (UN), delivered a speech at the Yellow River Basin Youth Economic Forum, a main part of the Global Youth Conference 2022 held in Jinan, Shandong Province, on May 13. He opined that facing numerous global challenges, the world needs greater global cooperation. He also called for a stronger role of the UN and other international organizations in global governance.

The following is the full text of his speech:

Kishore Mahbubani: The West Should Work Hard to Strengthen the UN Family of Institutions Instead of Trying To Weaken Them

China: Threat Or Opportunity?

China: Threat Or Opportunity? – NOEMA

But even if China’s influence has grown, it has no desire to step into America’s shoes and provide global leadership. China has only one key strategic goal: to become strong enough to prevent another century of humiliation, the period between 1842 and 1949 when Western forces trampled on China with great abandon. China regained its strength by plugging into the rules-based global order that America gifted to the world in 1945.

China has no desire to overturn this order. It would be happy to cooperate with America within it. In short, a prosperous China can live together in peace with a prosperous America, as inconceivable as this thought might seem in the toxic political environment in the U.S.