“Stain of the Century?” An Investigation of Uyghur Genocide Allegations Ep. 173

Transcript: “Stain of the Century?” An Investigation of Uyghur Genocide Allegations Ep. 173

In the midst of the United States’ renewed great power competition with Russia and China, the western foreign policy establishment has launched a sustained propaganda campaign to steel the American public into supporting international confrontation with China. A large facet of this broader campaign is the allegation that China is actively committing genocide against the Uyghur Muslims, a Turkic ethnic minority living in the nations westernmost province of Xinjiang. Despite the dubious credibility of the evidence supporting this claim and its US State Department origins, the establishment and “alternative” media have pushed these allegations as fact. This investigation documents the sources of this evidence, exposes its credibility issues, and examines those who are pushing it as truth, focusing on alternative media darling Tim Pool.

Watch in YouTube.

More about Xinjiang.

TGIF: Warmonger Cotton Accuses Antiwar Think Tank of Anti-Semitism

If you wonder what the post-Trump Republican Party will look like, take a glimpse at Tom Cotton, one of the US senators from Arkansas (where I live). Cotton has waged a relentless campaign for war against Iran and has supported every horror produced by the US foreign-policy establishment for the…
— Read on libertarianinstitute.org/articles/sheldon/tgif-warmonger-cotton-accuses-antiwar-think-tank-of-anti-semitism/