Brazil: Haiti and Latin American Imperialists

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Brazil reinforces border with Venezuela, Guyana with armored vehicles

Guyana, Brazil expand strategic military cooperation

Growing US Military Presence in Brazil

Why Lula Is Silent on Haiti

From 2004 to 2017, Brazil led the military component of the United Nations-backed peacekeeping mission to Haiti known as MINUSTAH. Since the U.N. Security Council authorized a new mission to Haiti last October, however, Brasília has been shy about supporting the operation. Brazil has offered to train Haitian police forces, but it has declined multiple requests from both the United States and United Nations to provide forces or financing for a new mission.

ALBA-TCP Condemns Interventionist Comments by US SOUTHCOM Head

The executive secretary of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-People’s Trade Agreement (ALBA-TCP), Jorge Arreaza, repudiated the statements of the head of the United States Southern Command (US SOUTHCOM), Laura Richardson. Arreza condemned her statements as interventionist and warlike.

ALBA-TCP Condemns Interventionist Comments by US SOUTHCOM Head

H/T: Chicago ALBA Solidarity

NATO in the Amazon: Petro Plays with Fire

By Roger D. Harris on October 26, 2022

NATO recently expanded to Sweden and Finland, has been de facto incorporated in Ukraine, and may extend to Georgia. Now, NATO’s entry into the Amazon is in the works under the aegis of newly elected President Gustavo Petro of Colombia.

NATO in the Amazon: Petro Plays with Fire


The US warns Petro of the danger of falling into the hands of China:

The Government of Colombia replies to Washington that if it wants to prevail over Beijing, it must finance the purchase of land from ranchers to distribute among the peasants

Quid pro quo?!