Florida’s DeSantis puts billboards in Illinois to recruit officers

Florida is putting billboards in Illinois’ “Greater Chicago area” to recruit law enforcement officers from the state, Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Friday.

Florida’s DeSantis puts billboards in Illinois to recruit officers


No, new Illinois law will not let people in US illegally become cops, deputies

The law says noncitizens applying for those jobs must be legally allowed to possess guns. People living in the U.S. illegally don’t qualify because federal law bars them from owning guns, according to experts and lawmakers.

People living in the country illegally may not legally obtain firearms, a federal appeals court ruled in 2012, and both experts and lawmakers say that makes them ineligible for law enforcement positions.

“Anyone who is saying that an illegal alien can become a police officer or sheriff’s deputy is either, one, misinformed, or two, giving you a baldfaced lie,” said state Rep. John Cabello, a Republican co-sponsor of the law and a Rockford police officer.

Illinois will allow some non-citizens to be police. But only those authorized to work and own a gun

Fakebook ‘Fact-Check’: Conservative commentators, politicians distort Biden’s remarks on tanks for Ukraine

I got a Fakebook warning for this meme!

Conservative commentators, politicians distort Biden’s remarks on tanks for Ukraine

“The President’s remarks mentioned planes and tanks and trains going in with American pilots and American crews, not giving Ukraine tanks to help them defend themselves against Russia’s invasion,” Sean Savett, a spokesman for the White House National Security Council, told AFP in an email.

Savett said that, in line with his 2022 comments, Biden’s recent announcement that the US will supply tanks to Ukraine included language about “how giving Ukraine tanks will help Ukraine defend themselves and how they are not an offensive threat to Russia.”

What Biden said:

But, look, the idea — the idea that we’re going to send in offensive equipment and have planes and tanks and trains going in with American pilots and American crews, just understand — and don’t kid yourself, no matter what you all say — that’s called “World War Three.” Okay? Let’s get it straight here, guys. That old expression — “Don’t kid a kidder.”

House Progressives Swiftly Walk Back Letter Asking Biden to Pursue Russia Diplomacy

ON MONDAY MORNING, 30 members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus sent a letter to the White House that attempted to gingerly open a conversation about a potential diplomatic end to Russia’s war on Ukraine. The door was slammed shut by the evening, met with enough fury to elicit a “clarification” in the form of a statement from caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal.

House Progressives Swiftly Walk Back Letter Asking Biden to Pursue Russia Diplomacy

They need to grow a backbone!

Interview with Lawrence Wilkerson

Retired US army colonel Lawrence Wilkerson touches on a number of hot topics, from a potential war between Lebanon and “Israel”, the dwindling Israeli military capabilities, to Biden’s Middle East doctrine, all the while casting doubt on Trump’s re-election.

Former chief of staff to US Secretary of State Colin Powell: Best case scenario for “Israel” in future war with Hezbollah would be a stalemate

Video via Al Mayadeen English

‘There Needs to Be a Reckoning’: Republicans Introduce a Bill to Make Feds At-Will Employees

‘There Needs to Be a Reckoning’: Republicans Introduce a Bill to Make Feds At-Will Employees

Roy said in a statement that his bill preserves protections against discrimination and whistleblower retaliation. But in the case of discrimination, EEOC would be required to toss all of its policies regarding complaints that originate from federal agencies and apply the same standards it uses in private sector cases.*

However, the bill’s purported whistleblower protections suggest just the opposite, Kettl said. OSC only has a 14-day window in which to make nonbinding recommendations on whether an adverse personnel action constitutes retaliation. Another provision requires the deduction of 25% of a federal employee’s retirement annuity if a court finds their appeal to be “in bad faith or frivolous.”

What’s wrong with that?! Why should bureaucrats have special protections that everyday working people don’t?! If they don’t like it, then change it for all workers!


Following Trump’s Lead, GOP Pushes Bill to Make Federal Workers Fireable ‘At Will’

US Attorney declines to prosecute Stephen Colbert staffers for trespassing at a US House building

The U.S. Attorney’s office for Washington, D.C., announced that it would not be seeking to prosecute several staffers of “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” for trespassing at a U.S. House building.

US Attorney declines to prosecute Stephen Colbert staffers for trespassing at a US House building

But I thought that House of Representatives’ buildings were temples of democracy?! 😉