Ministry confirms Israel’s deployment of white phosphorous bombs against Gaza

The health ministry in the Gaza Strip, which has come under an all-out Israeli war, has confirmed the regime’s deployment of banned white phosphorous munitions against a densely populated neighborhood in the coastal sliver.

Ministry confirms Israel’s deployment of white phosphorous bombs against Gaza


Israeli Forces Accused of Using White Phosphorus in Gaza’s North (+Video)

UNGA passes unbinding resolution to ask Russia make reparation to Ukraine; China votes against

The United Nations General Assembly on Monday (November 14) voted to approve a resolution which calls for Russia to be held responsible and make reparations to Ukraine.

Russia, China and Iran are among the 14 members that voted against while 73 abstained, including Brazil, India and South Africa.

China’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, Geng Shuang, explained China’s opposition, pointing out that the resolution lacks both legal basis and practical precedent, and was put to vote without proper discussion and consultation or responding to concerns of UN member states.

He further stressed that all countries that had suffered from historic international injustices including colonialism, foreign intervention, unilateral sanction, economic embargo and so on, are entitled to demand reparations.

UNGA passes unbinding resolution to ask Russia make reparation to Ukraine; China votes against via ShanghaiEye魔都眼


UN calls on Russia to pay Ukraine reparations

Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, speaking on the topic of the resolution, called it a legally insignificant document. “At the same time, the co-authors cannot help but realize that the adoption of such a resolution will entail consequences that can boomerang back to them,” Nebenzia said.

He added that the resolution intended to legalize the seizure of Russian assets previously frozen by Western countries.