Brazilian lawyer exposes deceit at heart of “Twitter Files Brazil”

An interview with Estela Aranha, who forced Michael Shellenberger to apologize after exposing  his manipulation of data to build a false narrative about “totalitarian” Brazil

By Brian Mier

On April 3,  Michael Shellenberger tweeted a series of excerpts from emails by X executives dubbed, “Twitter Files Brazil”, which alleged to expose crimes by Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes. Moraes, he claimed, had pressed criminal charges against Twitter Brasil’s lawyer for its refusal to turn over personal information on political enemies. Elon Musk quickly shared the tweets and they viralized and were embraced by the international far right, to the joy of former President Bolsonaro and his supporters. A week later, Estela Aranha, former Secretary of Digital Rights in the Brazilian Justice Ministry, revealed rot at the heart of Shellenberger’s narrative. The only criminal charge filed against Twitter Brazil referenced in the leaked emails was made by the São Paulo District Attorney’s Office, after the company refused to turn over personal data on a leader of Brazil’s largest cocaine trafficking organization, the PCC. Shellenberger had cut the section of an email about a São Paulo criminal investigation and mixed it with communications complaining about Moraes on unrelated issues. Pressed by Brazilian reporters, Shellenberger wrote, “I regret my my mistake and apologize for it. I don’t have evidence that Moraes threatened to file criminal charges against Twitter’s Brazilian lawyer.” 

Brazilian lawyer exposes deceit at heart of “Twitter Files” 

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: Pentagon working to restore benefits to veterans targeted for being LGBTQ+

The Pentagon began a new effort to contact former service members who may have been forced out of the military and deprived of years of benefits due to policies targeting their sexual orientation, starting with those who served under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: Pentagon working to restore benefits to veterans targeted for being LGBTQ+

Christian Nationalism Unleashed in the U.S. Military – Mikey Weinstein

Christian Nationalism Unleashed in the U.S. Military – Mikey WeinsteintheAnalysis-news

Mikey Weinstein, founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a non-profit organization, explains why proselytizing in the U.S. military is both dangerous and unconstitutional. Christian nationalist and dominionist ideologies are espoused by high-ranking officers in the military, some of whom are involved in nuclear war and military planning. This highly disturbing reality, Mikey argues, is largely ignored by policymakers. As was reported following the U.S. Capitol attack on January 6th, 2021, an unusually high number of those charged in relation to the attack had a military background, and some of them adhered to radical Christian views.

Christian Nationalism Unleashed in the U.S. Military – Mikey Weinstein
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Warmongering: Spot the Difference!

Mashup of RFK Jr’s bizarre claims about BRICS, China, Iran, & Venezuela—while denying that Israel occupies Palestine—with Biden claiming that the USG would need to invent Israel, for strategic corporate interests, if there weren’t already one!

RFK Jr clip from Michael Tracey.

Joe Biden clip from CSPAN.

Spot the Difference!

Already knew that RFK Jr was a fraud. Just messing around with my screen recorder and iMovie.

DHS Awards $20 Million To Program That Flags Americans As Potential “Extremists” For Their Online Speech

An overt way of policing speech?

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has awarded 34 grants to as many organizations, worth a total of $20 million, whose role will be to undergo training in order to flag potential online “extremist” speech of Americans.

DHS Awards $20 Million To Program That Flags Americans As Potential “Extremists” For Their Online Speech

Wisconsin Senator Baldwin is No Friend of LGBT or Free Speech!

Wrote to Tammy Baldwin about how Republicans want to censor LGBT content with the KOSA bill that she is sponsoring! I included the following Techdirt article in my email! Not one word, about it, in her reply to me (which is just a form letter)! In fact, I didn’t bring up anything that she mentioned! As she is a LGBT person, I thought that she’d be concerned but I guess not?!

Related (previously blogged about):

Heritage Foundation Says That Of Course GOP Will Use KOSA To Censor LGBTQ Content

Meanwhile, Republicans are now freely admitting that they’re going to use KOSA to force websites to censor LGBTQ content. They’re literally proud of it. The Heritage Foundation, which at least used to have some principled stances before being taken over by culture warriors without any principles, is bragging about how it will use KOSA in this manner: