Biden Is the Perfect Figurehead for the Post-Trump National Security Establishment

Biden Is the Perfect Figurehead for the Post-Trump National Security Establishment

The prospect of four more years of Trump was what decided this election. It was the overriding imperative of those who cast their votes for Biden. Corporate and establishment Democrats expect their left-wing critics to vote for them every four years without question or negotiation. This expectation is almost always delivered as more of a threat than an ask. And when Democrats lose, they blame the left. Yet election after election shows that when they do win, elite Democrats do not believe that they have to offer any meaningful national security appointments or policy changes to these voters. History shows us that they are much more interested in finding common ground with the violent imperial visions of right-wingers and neoconservatives. And Joe Biden is indeed the perfect figure to drive that reality home.

No, Gaddafi didn’t predict coronavirus, but did talk about viruses and vaccines

No, Gaddafi didn’t predict coronavirus, but did talk about viruses and vaccines

So yes, Gaddafi did speculate about the creation of viruses and express his concern about the sale of vaccines. But he did not specifically say “they will create the virus themselves and they will sell the antidotes afterwards, pretending to take their time to find the solution when they already have it”.

The Historical US Support for al-Qaeda

The Historical US Support for al-Qaeda

And let me tell you about American leaders. In power, they don’t think the way you and I do. They don’t feel the way you and I do. They have supported “awful jihadists” and their moral equivalents for decades. Let’s begin in 1979 in Afghanistan, where the Moujahedeen (“holy warriors”) were in battle against a secular, progressive government supported by the Soviet Union; a “favorite tactic” of the Moujahedeen was “to torture victims [often Russians] by first cutting off their nose, ears, and genitals, then removing one slice of skin after another”, producing “a slow, very painful death”.