US Earmarks Millions of Dollars on Negative News About #Cuba

People’s World, a U.S. leftist newspaper, reported that the White House earmarks millions of dollars to collect bad news on Cuba and spread it inside the island. According to the publication, Washington gives money to a group of organizations to have it transferred to Cuban real or imaginary opposition groups, both within the island and in other countries.

US Earmarks Millions of Dollars on Negative News About #Cuba

President Biden extends student loan payment freeze through May 1

President Biden extends student loan payment freeze through May 1

Whenever loan payments resume, many experts say the process will be quite messy, given so many back and forths with borrowers. Even a 2020 report from the Education Department noted the resumption of payments would be messy. Loan servicers and the federal government, the report says, will “face a heavy burden in ‘converting’ millions of borrowers to active repayment.” The transition could also be confusing to borrowers, with some “becoming delinquent, at least initially.”