4 Philippine Sailors Injured, 2 Vessels Damaged in Chinese Attempt to Block Second Thomas Shoal Resupply

4 Philippine Sailors Injured, 2 Vessels Damaged in Chinese Attempt to Block Second Thomas Shoal Resupply

As a result of the incident, Powell thinks that Manila “has the right to expect a more muscular response from its partners and allies.” After last year’s incidents, both the U.S. and Australia held joint maritime and aerial patrols with Philippine military forces in the South China Sea. The Philippines expects to hold more joint patrols with not only American and Australian forces, but also with countries such as France, Canada and Japan.

Yesterday, Philippine President BongBong Marcos vowed that the country would “push back” when its sovereignty was ignored in reference to China’s actions in the region during a speech in Australia. He further stressed that the Philippines’ stance on the South China Sea was guided by its interests, not at the “beck and call” of the United States.

BBM was at the Lowy Institute, a think tank funded by the Australian government, etc.


Philippines Budgets for a Permanent Base at Second Thomas Shoal

It’s Time to Build Combined Forward Operating Base Sierra Madre

Philippines Game Changer Analysis – Project Myoushu – South China Sea

A war vs. US wars

A huge anti-war protest rally is expected to be held in Washington this Friday (Feb. 17, 2023) on the anniversary of the Ukraine War and President’s Day Weekend, it’s dubbed “Rage Against the War Machine!” Speakers at the event are now famous anti-US wars dissenters Jimmie Dore, Medea Benjamin, Scott Hortan, Garland Nixon and David Swanson with war veterans, musicians and more.

A war vs. US wars

Slight correction, the Rage Against the War Machine rally is tomorrow (February 19th, 2023).

Nuclear High Noon in Europe

Now is the time for Biden to clarify U.S. nuclear doctrine. But he remains silent.

by Scott Ritter

On Monday, Oct. 17, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization kicked off Operation STEADFAST NOON, its annual exercise of its ability to wage nuclear conflict. Given that NATO’s nuclear umbrella extends exclusively over Europe, the indisputable fact is that STEADFAST NOON is nothing more than NATO training to wage nuclear war against Russia.

Nuclear High Noon in Europe


Video via Judge Napolitano

Sean Turnell’s Vandalism in Myanmar

10-06-2022: If we were to believe the corporate media, Australian academic Sean Turnell is an innocent political prisoner being detained by an illegitimate and tyrannical military junta which reversed democratic elections in Myanmar. Like much other reporting from the West following a fraudulent pandemic and gathering international war clouds, this story contains not an iota of truth. The Myanmar military (Tatmadaw) had no choice but to assume control in February 2021 after it became impossible for any party in Myanmar to win an election apart from the US and UK government created National League for Democracy (NLD). Alongside billionaire anti-socialist regime change magnate George Soros, Anglo/US imperialism has waged a subversive decades long sabotage campaign in Myanmar, as part of an incendiary proxy war against both Myanmar’s independence and neighbouring Red China. Sean Turnell was arrested at a hotel in Yangon five days after the February 2021 “election”, while waiting for a car to take him to the city’s international airport. Like a rat deserting a sinking ship, Turnell was clearly planning to flee the country he was supposedly devoted to “assisting”.

Sean Turnell’s Vandalism in Myanmar

AUKUS to bolster combat capabilities of nuclear submarine fleet to challenge China

By Paul Antonopoulos | March 18, 2022

Australia will become the second home for US and British nuclear submarines, meaning that the island country will effectively become a nuclear staging ground aimed at challenging China in the Asia-Pacific region. In this way, AUKUS – a trilateral security pact between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, provokes increased confrontation with China.

AUKUS to bolster combat capabilities of nuclear submarine fleet to challenge China