Anti-Coup Rebellion in Eastern Ukraine Completes 10 Years as Russian Forces Continue Advancing in Donetsk

April 2014 was a pivotal month for the people of the Donbass region in what was then still part of Ukraine. It was then that the governing regime was newly installed in Kiev by a coup d’état on February 20/21embarked on military hostilities against the people of the region. The coup overthrew Ukraine’s elected president and legislature. It sparked rebellion in Crimea, Donbass (Lugansk and Donetsk), and in towns and cities in other regions of eastern and southern Ukraine.

Anti-Coup Rebellion in Eastern Ukraine Completes 10 Years as Russian Forces Continue Advancing in Donetsk

NATO has failed to weaken Russia

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US General Says Russia’s Military Is Bigger Than Before Ukraine Invasion

“In sum, Russia is on track to command the largest military on the continent,” he said. “Regardless of the outcome of the war in Ukraine, Russia will be larger, more lethal, and angrier with the West than when it invaded.”

Back in April 2022, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin declared one goal of the proxy war was to “weaken” Russia. More recently, hawks in Congress have been claiming that the damage being done to the Russian military is a good enough reason to continue fueling the conflict.


Ukraine’s Top General Says Situation on the Battlefield Has ‘Significantly Worsened’

A Tale of Two Breadline Massacres

All breadline massacres are equal, Orwell might have written, whilst adding that some breadline massacres are more equal than others. Such a thought comes to mind after February 4, 2024, when a Ukrainian armed forces projectile killed 28 residents in the city of Lysychansk, Lugansk region, and wounded several dozen. The civilian victims were standing in line in front of a local bakery, intending to buy bread.

A Tale of Two Breadline Massacres


Death toll from Ukraine shelling of a bakery in Lysychansk rises to 28

Oleksiy Arestovych: Zelenskyy’s challenger (video clips)

On retaking Crimea and the Donbass
On meeting Aleksandr Dugin
On recruitment and mobilization
USofU: Fifth Project
On sincerity of negotiations

Oleksiy Arestovych: Zelenskyy’s challenger (archived)

Arestovych’s in the US, now, and plans on running in the next Ukrainian Presidential election. What he says isn’t too bad but we know how it turned out with Zelensky. Unfortunately, I accidentally deleted the clip on European and NATO memberships. He basically said that Ukraine should be a neutral country. All of these clips are on my YouTube, as well. The full interview is here.

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The Russian Art of War: How the West Led Ukraine to Defeat

We are very happy to bring you this excerpt from Colonel Jacques Baud’s latest book, The Russian Art of War: How the West Led Ukraine to Defeat (L’art de la guerre russe: Comment l’occident conduire l’ukraine a la echec). This is a detailed study of the two-year old conflict in which the West has brutally used the Ukrainians to pursue an old pipedream: the conquest of Russia.

The Russian Art of War: How the West Led Ukraine to Defeat

Reintegration Is a Natural Process for Donbass’ People – Field Report

According to the Western mainstream media, the New Regions of the Russian Federation are “captured” territories. It is said that Moscow “annexed” these areas without taking into account the legitimate interests of the local population. It has become commonplace to say that the 2022 referendums are “illegitimate” and cannot be recognized under international law. The high number of pro-Russian votes are often used as an argument in the West to suggest that the electoral process was fraudulent and manipulated.

Reintegration Is a Natural Process for Donbass’ People – Field Report