Elections under fire in Donetsk


CafeRevolution links: YouTube/Bitchute/Blogger/Telegram


Polls open across Donetsk People’s Republic for September 8-10 vote — local election body

All 615 polling stations in DPR begin operation, no incidents reported

Early voting was held from August 31 to September 7 to decrease the number of people during onsite ballot casting. “If Volnovakha (where four election commission members were wounded by artillery fire on September 6 — eds Donetsk News Agency) held onsite voting at that time, the casualty toll could have been much higher, ” an Election Commission representative said.

Invisible Ukrainians: A conversation with a professor from the Donbas

From the time that Russian forces invaded Ukraine in February 2022, Western media coverage of the war has been dominated by the perspectives of Ukrainians who support Zelensky’s government and who oppose Russia. While it is vitally important that we be informed of their perspective, we cannot truly understand the Ukraine war without hearing from Ukrainians who reject Zelensky’s rule. In the Western mainstream discourse, those Ukrainians are virtually invisible.

Invisible Ukrainians: A conversation with a professor from the Donbas

US vs. Gonzalo Lira

Lambert here: As before, Lira hold dual Chilean-American citizenship. So Yves remarks:

I suggest Lira followers call their Chilean Embassy or Consulate to demand that Lira either be allowed his freedom or transported safely out of Ukraine.

Worth noting that Lira seems to be part of a more general enforcement of “Their Democracy”:

I love it that “glorification” can be a crime in Ukraine. We should do that!

US vs. Gonzalo Lira
Source: Twitter.

Ukraine Jails US Commentator Gonzalo Lira for Speaking Uncomfortable Facts (odysse) via The New Atlas



Detaining Gonzalo Lira: Another blow to the freedom of press in Ukraine

Chilean journalist, Gonzalo Lira, arrested in Ukraine

Biden Can’t Denounce Russia’s Annexations and Ignore Israel’s

The United States has repeatedly stated that it will not recognize Russia’s annexation of Ukrainian territory. U.S. President Joe Biden vowed that “[t]he United States, I want to be very clear about this, will never, never, never recognize Russia’s claims on Ukraine sovereign territory.” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken pledged that the “United States does not, and will never, recognize the legitimacy or outcome of these sham referenda or Russia’s purported annexation of Ukrainian territory.”

Biden Can’t Denounce Russia’s Annexations and Ignore Israel’s

A Ceasefire Can Ensure Ukrainian Independence

A Ceasefire Can Ensure Ukrainian Independence

There is only one way the West can prevent Ukraine from being defeated on the battlefield over the next several months and avoid a nuclear conflict with Russia: a return to diplomacy. President Joe Biden needs to call for an immediate cease-fire and armistice agreement to save Ukraine, ensure its security, and preserve its political and economic independence with control of at least 81 percent of its territory. It is in the U.S. national security interest to have Russia and Ukraine negotiate a permanent cease-fire as soon as possible and avoid potential nuclear escalation. The Biden administration should offer to not implement new economic sanctions against Russia, stop sending more U.S. troops to Eastern Europe, and suspend lethal military assistance to Ukraine in exchange for an immediate and sustained Russian ceasefire. A relaxation of sanctions following a peace deal would provide economic relief to millions of Americans suffering from a recession triggered by Western sanctions against Russia.

While writing this proposal, one of the provisions of the proposed armistice agreement I included was that Russia would resume natural gas shipments to the European Union via the Nord Stream 1 or Nord Stream 2 pipelines. But on September 27, both of them were severely damaged by acts of sabotage that appear to be retaliation against Russia. It is unclear which country is responsible for damaging the pipelines but reopening them might have saved thousands of Europeans from freezing to death this winter. The day after the pipeline attacks, former President Donald Trump offered to mediate peace talks to end the war in Ukraine out of concern that sabotaging the pipelines might spark “World War III,” particularly if Moscow believed that the United States or another NATO member was responsible.

Hypocrisy(and irony): The man, that the media cried about having his finger on the nuclear button (not to mention his tearing up of nuclear treaties and expanding America’s nuclear arsenal), is the one willing to mediate to prevent WWIII! Meanwhile, Brandon refuses to negotiate and the media cheers on nuclear war?!