Radhika Desai: Western Press Uses ‘Ankle-Biting Yappy Dog’ Pseudo-Academics to Silence Critics

A prominent Canadian academic has come under fire in the Canadian press for attending the Valdai Forum in Russia. She told Sputnik that the Western press uses government-funded “lapdog” academics to smear the reputations of those who criticize Western policies and highlight how they have discredited themselves.

Radhika Desai: Western Press Uses ‘Ankle-Biting Yappy Dog’ Pseudo-Academics to Silence Critics

How the NED, Open Society Foundations and NATO collectively fund institutions driving development of Canadian political thought

How the NED, Open Society Foundations and NATO collectively fund institutions driving development of Canadian political thought

NATO, along with the Europeans and Americans are playing a crucial role in driving Canadian political thought. While some elements of the Canadian left understand the influence which foreign foundations and semi-NGOs play in Canadian politics, very few hard examples have been provided to back up this inherent understanding. The paranoia being spread by Canada’s political elites, think tanks and national security friendly public figures about “Russian and Chinese infiltration” and “elite capture” appears as projection, designed to deflect from the overwhelming sources of foreign financing in Canada’s civic sphere. The funders only involve themselves in Canadian civil society because there is something to be gained from it. They are responsible for part of the intellectual bedrock that upholds Canadian militarism and interventionism.