The alliance of MI6, the CIA and the Banderites

After having shown that the war in Ukraine was prepared by the Straussians and triggered on February 17 by Kiev’s attack on the Donbass, Thierry Meyssan returns to the secret history that links the Anglo-Saxons to the Banderites since the fall of the Third Reich. He sounds the alarm: we have not been able to see the resurgence of Nazi racialism in Ukraine and in the Baltic States for thirty years, nor do we see that many of the Ukrainian civilians we welcome are steeped in Banderites’ ideology. We are waiting for Nazi attacks to begin in Western Europe before we wake up.

The alliance of MI6, the CIA and the Banderites

Why the Global South Is Raising the Russian Flag

The collective West is in their own twisted version of an anti-Russian Cultural Revolution rabidly vilifying and demonizing Russia to an extent never even dreamt of in the first Cold War, with Russian citizens being banned from international sporting and music events held in the West for the crime of being Russian, the attempt to cancel Russian culture to the extent that Russian composers and literature are being censored out of university curriculums and performances, and absurdly enough even Russian-breed cats and trees being excluded from competitions and Russian salad dressing (which has nothing at all to do with Russia) being renamed.

Why the Global South Is Raising the Russian Flag

The Infantilization of Africa: US House Bill Claims to “Protect” Continent

Aug 15, 2022 – Didier Gondola, Professor of African History at Johns Hopkins University and Professor Teylama Miabey, President of the National Congress For Democracy join me to discuss HR7311

Video via HermelaTV


South African Minister Tells West To Stop “Patronising Bullying” On Ukraine

Many Africans Reject Washington’s Position on Ukraine Crisis

A debate on March 2* over a resolution to essentially condemn and apportion exclusive blame on Moscow for the current military situation, was voted on by 141 UN representatives out of 191. 35 countries abstained from the vote including 17 member-states of the African Union (AU). Cameroon, Ethiopia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Burkina Faso, Togo, Eswatini and Morocco were absent. Algeria, Uganda, Burundi, Central African Republic, Mali, Senegal, Equatorial Guinea, Congo Brazzaville, Sudan, South Sudan, Madagascar, Mozambique, Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe and South Africa abstained on the resolution.


Many Africans Reject Washington’s Position on Ukraine Crisis

Many Africans Reject Washington’s Position on Ukraine Crisis

These forces must unite to overturn the war program of the White House and Pentagon which only robs the people of their rights to decent housing, education, food, water, environmental justice and all other necessities of modern life. A new foreign policy must be developed which defunds the defense department and dismantles the U.S. bases which are waging war around the globe.