Rolling Back Protections for Child Labor in the Name of ‘Parental Rights’ + Notes

One hundred years ago this month, I was reminded by Portside’s “This Week in People’s History” feature (5/29/23), a constitutional amendment passed both houses of Congress, with large majorities, and went to the states for ratification. It remains a proposal, not a law, to this day, because the necessary three-quarters of states didn’t accept it.

In April 2023, the Washington Post (4/23/23) reported on the Foundation for Government Accountability, a Florida-based think tank with a lobbying arm, the Opportunity Solutions Project, that’s crucially behind these state-level moves to undermine rules to keep children from working long hours in dangerous conditions. The Iowa state senate had just approved an FGA-maneuvered bill letting children as young as 14 work night shifts.

Does every story on child labor need to mention the advocacy group? Of course not. But if you consider the rollback of child labor laws a problem, connected to other problems, then calling groups like them out adds something key to understanding that problem and how to address it.

Rolling Back Protections for Child Labor in the Name of ‘Parental Rights’

Related SourceWatch Articles:

Foundation for Government Accountability

Opportunity Solutions Project

American Legislative Exchange Council

Atlas Network

Bradley Foundation

Cato Institute

Ed Uihlein Family Foundation

Franklin News Foundation

Koch Family Foundations

Sarah Scaife Foundation

State Policy Network

The 85 Fund

There’s more, but I’m not going to beat a dead horse with this one. They’re basically the same groups that have been trying to privatize education, destroy unions, etc.

Corporate interests & front organizations behind ranked-choice voting

Scott Walter Testimony at Wisconsin State Senate


Ranked-Choice Voting: Biggest Advocates

Hewlett Foundation, Chamberlain Project, Peter Ackerman, Action Now Initiative, George Soros, Open Society Foundations, Jennifer and Jonathan Allan Soros Foundation, Soros Fund Charitable Foundation, Laura and John Arnold Foundation, Tides Foundation, Joyce Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Pierre Omidyar, Omidyar Network, Democracy Fund, Carnegie Corporation of New York, Public Welfare Foundation, Katherine Gehl

Capital Research Center – InfluenceWatch

Capital Research Center – SourceWatch

Heritage Foundation, Hoover Institution, Bradley Foundation, American Enterprise Institute, State Policy Network (Atlas Network)

Front Organizations

‘Heil Ukraine’: ‘Blood Tribe’ leader comes out in support of Biden for 2024

The open neo-Nazi has praised Kiev’s extremist Azov regiment at a march near Disney World in Florida

‘Heil Ukraine’: ‘Blood Tribe’ leader comes out in support of Biden for 2024

RT claims that ‘Fred the Felon’ was a supporter of Pete Buttigieg, but if you read the linked article, he was actually the head of ‘Truckers for Yang’.


Flash : slava Ukrayini !

American Neo-Nazi Training Forces in Maine to Fight for Ukraine

Welfare Queens and Welfare Fraud

The Rise and Reign of the Welfare Queen

Researcher links government assistance program to much earlier origins of welfare stereotypes

How Bill Clinton’s Welfare Reform Changed America

But based on several studies of TANF and its beneficiaries, “it barely reaches even the poorest Americans, and has all but ceased doing the work of lifting people out of poverty,” according to the Atlantic. “‘Welfare reform’ didn’t fix welfare so much as destroy it, and if similar changes were applied to Medicaid and food stamps, they would likely do the same.”

Americans believe benefits fraud is common for SNAP

Experts say that deliberate SNAP fraud is uncommon because of the rigorous application process and multi-step eligibility review. In 2016, the Congressional Research Service determined that for every 10,000 households participating in SNAP, about 14 contained a recipient who was investigated and determined to have committed fraud.

The Truth About Food Stamps

Who Is Really Responsible for Welfare Fraud?

In other words, don’t take a single example or casual observation of welfare fraud and claim it represents the tens of millions of poor who receive welfare benefits.

While welfare fraud committed by the poor appears to be low, the federal government has long recognized businesses being the true criminals.

While these are some of the better known examples of large scale welfare fraud, they are not the only ones. The above cases alone represent over $25 Billion in welfare fraud recovery. The criminals having the greatest impact committing welfare fraud against the government are not the poor, but the privately owned businesses that take advantage of them.

Brett Favre Is The Welfare Queen Republicans Warned Us About


Biggest Perpetrators of Welfare Fraud Are Private Companies, Not ‘Welfare Queens’

American Neo-Nazi Training Forces in Maine to Fight for Ukraine

Cristopher Pohlhaus, a former Marine and prominent Neo-Nazi – has purchased land in Maine to train soldiers to fight for Ukraine. He sees the war against Russia as a unique chance to fight alongside the Azov Battalion and defend a nearly “all-white nation.”

American Neo-Nazi Training Forces in Maine to Fight for Ukraine


Russian Militia Linked to American Neo-Nazis, Anti-Trans Figures

The leader of the anti-Putin Russian Volunteer Corps is publicly connected to Robert Rundo and Christopher Pohlhaus.

The Messed Up Truth About The Louisiana Purchase

American Progress, 1872.

The Louisiana Purchase is usually presented as an incredible, inspiring moment in American history in which President Thomas Jefferson, wise, benevolent eyes twinkling under his powdery white wig, made an incredibly shrewd real estate deal with notorious, disgraced French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and, with one stroke of his giant quill pen, doubled the size of the United States of America for the bargain price of $15 million, or just three cents an acre. What we don’t usually learn about is the negative domino effect this treaty had in terms of inspiring the concept of manifest destiny or the belief that white colonists had a God-given duty to expand across North America and redeem and remake the land in their own image.

The Messed Up Truth About The Louisiana Purchase

Florida GOP Declares War On The First Amendment to ‘Combat Anti-Semitism’

By Chris Menahan | Information Liberation | March 5, 2023

“The Free State of Florida” is set to have the most oppressive hate crime laws in America in order to “combat anti-Semitism.”

Florida GOP Declares War On The First Amendment to ‘Combat Anti-Semitism’


A Neo-Nazi Troll Network Is Making Money Abusing Jews

What is the National ‘Day of Hate?’ Police warn Jewish communities to be vigilant this weekend