Nearly 50,000 People in Wisconsin Cast Protest Vote Against Gaza Slaughter in Democratic Primary

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On Tuesday, nearly 50,000 people cast votes for “uninstructed” in the Wisconsin Democratic primary as a way to protest President Biden’s full-throated support for the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza.

Nearly 50,000 People in Wisconsin Cast Protest Vote Against Gaza Slaughter in Democratic Primary


Wisconsin voters approve ban on private election grants as Biden, Trump win primary

Wisconsin’s April 2nd referendums

Wisconsin’s April 2nd referendums


Wisconsin’s April 2 referendum questions and the ‘Zuckerbucks’ debate, explained

QUESTION 1: “Use of private funds in election administration. Shall section 7 (1) of article III of the constitution be created to provide that private donations and grants may not be applied for, accepted, expended, or used in connection with the conduct of any primary, election, or referendum?”

QUESTION 2: “Election officials. Shall section 7 (2) of article III of the constitution be created to provide that only election officials designated by law may perform tasks in the conduct of primaries, elections, and referendums?”

Voting “yes” on the first question means private grants and donations would be banned in election administration going forward, while a “no” vote would continue to allow them. A “yes” vote on the second question would add to the constitution that only election officials can perform tasks, while a “no” vote would not add that.

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Microsoft, X throw their weight behind KOSA, the controversial kids’ online safety bill

Think of the children!

Microsoft, X throw their weight behind KOSA, the controversial kids’ online safety bill

In spite of some revisions, the bill’s many critics have warned that KOSA would dangerously sanitize the internet, empower censorship and isolate young LGBTQ people in the process. Security, privacy and free press advocates have also called attention to the bill’s potential threat to encryption. The bill was revised last year in response to some criticisms, but many concerns persist.


Snap Breaks Under Pressure, Supports Dangerous KOSA Bill That Will Put Kids In Danger

Microsoft Joins In On The ‘Screw Over LGBTQ Kids’ Party By Supporting KOSA

However the claim that KOSA is “reasonable,” “impactful,” “tailored,” or “thoughtful” is just grade-A bullshit. The law is a total mess, and will do real harm to kids beyond just being obviously unconstitutional. As we’ve pointed out multiple times, GOP support for the bill is because they know it will be used to censor LGBTQ content. The GOP’s leading “think tank,” the Heritage Foundation has publicly supported the bill because they believe censoring LGBTQ content “is protecting kids.” Meanwhile, bill co-sponsor, Marsha Blackburn (whom Smith thanks above for her “leadership,”) has similarly admitted that Congress should pass KOSA to “protect minor children from the transgender in our culture.”

Dear Moms, Think of Your Own Children!

The following is an unhinged rant with a hint of sarcasm (forgive me as I’m not a talented writer):

Just listened to the stupidest press conference with Moms Against Liberty (Moms For Liberty, rebranded as Moms Against TikTok), Libs of TikTok, Heritage Foundation, and select members of Congress. Feigning concern about liberty, and children’s rights, they’re calling for a ban on TikTok!

Rep. Troy Nehls called for the creation of an app, called “AmeriTok”, that advocates for gun ownership, limited government, responsible cigar smoking, freedom, individual rights, and liberty (the irony of advocating for freedom and liberty while calling for censorship)! He seems quite jealous that China puts time limits on children being on social media! Why not advocate for a similar law, considering kids could spend just as much time on Facebook or Instagram (or maybe leave parenting to the parents)?!

The astroturfed Moms Against Liberty campaign has been calling for book bans the last few years! Tell me how you can claim to advocate for freedom and liberty, when you are calling for censorship?! Besides, what will Libs of TikTok do if TikTok is officially banned, besides inciting others to violence?! Banning TikTok sets a dangerous precedent! I doubt that these people are true to their beliefs on children’s rights, though, or else they’d be advocating for a ban on Facebook and Instagram, as well! Of course, this has nothing to do with TikTok, except that Facebook can’t compete!

These radical conservatives are just as bad as those on the ‘radical left’ that they rail against! Their hypocrisy about social media privacy is astounding (trying to figure out how cigar smoking is safer for kids than TikTok)!

Revealed: The Former Israeli Spies Working In Top Jobs At Google, Facebook And Microsoft

A MintPress study has found that hundreds of former agents of the notorious Israeli spying organization, Unit 8200, have attained positions of influence in many of the world’s biggest tech companies, including Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon.

Revealed: The Former Israeli Spies Working In Top Jobs At Google, Facebook And Microsoft

H/T: Alan MacLeod on the Former Israeli Spies in Top Social Media Jobs