Philippine Sailor Severely Injured, Vessels Damaged as Chinese Block South China Sea Mission + Notes


It was the Philippines that rammed the CCG!* US-funded Rappler** doesn’t mention the other soldiers who were injured.

Philippine Sailor Severely Injured, Vessels Damaged as Chinese Block South China Sea Mission

Meanwhile, a Philippine government release from the National Task Force on the West Philippine Sea stated that ships from the People’s Liberation Army Navy, China Coast Guard and Chinese Maritime Militia performed “dangerous maneuvers.” However, there is no mention of injury to Philippine personnel in the release. The statement also claimed that Chinese forces rammed and towed Philippine vessels, although it’s unclear to what extent the latter occurred during the incident. This is the first reported instance of China towing – defined as pulling, pushing or hauling – Philippine vessels in their South China Sea disputes.


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Only the plurality of information can prevent war

By Thierry Meyssan

Everywhere in the world, we observe a multiplicity of media, but no pluralism among them. All refer to the same sources which convey the same vision of the facts. However, we all know that if the facts exist in a unique way, the way we perceive them is multiple. Already in the 80’s, UNESCO had highlighted “information imperialism”; this way of imposing a single perception and denying all the others. Today, this domination is manifested with the News Checkers. The only way to free ourselves from this system is not to create new media, but new news agencies.

Only the plurality of information can prevent war

Canada’s fury at Russia’s recognition of the DPR & LPR shows its continuing subservience to US Empire

There has been a great deal of russophobic and sinophobic frenzy of late in our so-called mainstream media and on the part of politicians in Washington, Canada, the U.K. and Germany. What are the underlying reasons for this? Is it true that a Russian invasion of Ukraine is ‘imminent’?

Canada’s fury at Russia’s recognition of the DPR & LPR shows its continuing subservience to US Empire (Archived)