$320 million US pier collapses in Gaza, drifts to Ashdod (Video)


Strong waves have swept away a section of the American floating pier off the coast of the Gaza Strip, heading towards the shores of Ashdod, as per Israeli media.

$320 million US pier collapses in Gaza, drifts to Ashdod (Video)


U.S. ‘Floating Pier’ for Gaza Damaged by Choppy Seas

Four boats stabilizing the $320 million structure detached, U.S. Central Command, which is responsible for military operations in the Middle East, said Saturday. Two of them floated northward, eventually landing on the beach in Ashdod, Israel, it said. Two others are now anchored on the beach near the pier, the military said, adding that the dock is still operational despite the damage. It said that no U.S. military personnel would enter Gaza.

The damage to the dock is only the latest setback in the U.S.’s attempt to deliver aid via the sea for the first time since the war began in October. Shipments at the floating pier began this month and are expected to scale up. Roughly 820 tons of aid were delivered through the floating dock in its first week, the U.S. government’s official international development arm USAID said, a number that is about 20% below the Pentagon’s initial target.

Separately, three U.S. troops were injured on the pier this week in accidents, the Pentagon said, including one seriously. No U.S. troops were injured during Saturday’s incident, the U.S. military said.

As US Aid Shipments Begin, Gaza Pier Denounced as ‘PR Move’

As US Aid Shipments Begin, Gaza Pier Denounced as ‘PR Move’


Hamas rejects US floating pier for Gaza aid as publicity stunt

USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: March 25, 2024

At least some are closer to the homeland.

USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: March 25, 2024

U.S. Coast Guard Sentinel-class Fast Response Cutters (FRCs) are forward-deployed to the region under Patrol Forces Southwest Asia (PATFORSWA). PATFORSWA deploys Coast Guard personnel and ships with U.S. and regional naval forces throughout the Middle East. Initially deployed in 2003 to support Operation Iraqi Freedom, PATFORSWA is now a permanent presence based out of the Kingdom of Bahrain.


USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: March 18, 2024

Operation Prosperity Guardian: Whose Prosperity is Being Guarded?

Operation Prosperity Guardian: Whose Prosperity is Being Guarded?

In the weeks to come, we will see the situation between the Houthi, international shipping, and the world’s navies further develop. The goal of Operation Prosperity Guardian is to ensure the prosperity of the world by ensuring the free flow of goods and ships through the international waterways off the coast of Yemen. If the main beneficiary of the operation is one of the largest shipping corporations in the world, then there is a question of whose prosperity is Operation Prosperity Guardian truly guarding?

Operation Prosperity Guardian: Whose Prosperity is Being Guarded?


YouTube: Operation Prosperity Guardian: Whose Prosperity is Being Guarded?

Maersk Ship Hit by Missile in the Red Sea

Defense Department identifies U.S. soldiers killed in helicopter crash

Defense Department identifies U.S. soldiers killed in helicopter crash

Killed were:

Chief Warrant Officer 3 Stephen R. Dwyer, 38, of Clarksville, Tennessee.

Chief Warrant Officer 2 Shane M. Barnes, 34, of Sacramento, California.

Staff Sgt. Tanner W. Grone, 26, of Gorham, New Hampshire.

Sgt. Andrew P. Southard, 27, of Apache Junction, Arizona.

Sgt. Cade M. Wolfe, 24, of Mankato, Minnesota.
