The Messed Up Truth About The Louisiana Purchase

American Progress, 1872.

The Louisiana Purchase is usually presented as an incredible, inspiring moment in American history in which President Thomas Jefferson, wise, benevolent eyes twinkling under his powdery white wig, made an incredibly shrewd real estate deal with notorious, disgraced French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and, with one stroke of his giant quill pen, doubled the size of the United States of America for the bargain price of $15 million, or just three cents an acre. What we don’t usually learn about is the negative domino effect this treaty had in terms of inspiring the concept of manifest destiny or the belief that white colonists had a God-given duty to expand across North America and redeem and remake the land in their own image.

The Messed Up Truth About The Louisiana Purchase

Thousands in Italy protest West’s weapons supplies to Ukraine as war enters 2nd year

Thousands of Italians have demonstrated across the country in Rome, Florence and Genoa against Western sanctions imposed on Russia and transfer of lethal military hardware to Ukraine, a day after the first anniversary of the Ukraine-Russia war.

Thousands in Italy protest West’s weapons supplies to Ukraine as war enters 2nd year

Video via World Politics


Anti-NATO, Anti-EU, Anti-War, Protest Rallies Hit Germany, France, Italy

Residents of Donetsk carry flowers and toys to the memorial to the dead children

Residents of Donetsk carry flowers and toys to the memorial to the dead children

At the end of May, the head of the republican bureau of forensic medical examination of the Ministry of Health of the DPR, Dmitry Kalashnikov, said that 117 children had died in the eight years of the conflict on the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic.


Today is Remembrance Day for Child Victims of the Donbass War, 130 of Them.

Donbass commemorates children — victims of neo-Nazis

[2017] On the Third Anniversary of the Gorlovka Massacre…

The children of the Donbass

In memory of the children of Donbass (original)