The return of the two-state solution illusion

For Democrats in the United States and the political “centrists” in Israel—represented by Joe Biden and Yair Lapid, respectively—the loss of credibility for the two-state solution has meant losing more and more support for Israeli policies. As the respected polling site noted recently, among many other sources, younger Democrats are increasingly supportive of Palestinians and less so of Israeli policies.

The return of the two-state solution illusion

‘I’m thrilled to work with Israeli government because they want to do the right thing,’ US ambassador says, ahead of settlement announcement

Days before Israel announced that it is going ahead with 4,000 new settlement units, the U.S. ambassador — who was reportedly briefed on the plans — says “I really respect this government… they really want to do the right thing,” and he is “thrilled to work with them.”

‘I’m thrilled to work with Israeli government because they want to do the right thing,’ US ambassador says, ahead of settlement announcement