The Controversial Truth About Climate Change | IPCC Report #climatechange

The United Nations IPCC Assessment Report blames “human activity” for the current state of our climate… BUT, they are leaving out some major points of interest when it comes to our climate crisis, like Big BUSINESS and MILITARIES. A deeply unserious report… if you ask me. What do you think?

The Controversial Truth About Climate Change | IPCC Report #climatechange via Endemic Times


How the world’s militaries hide their huge carbon emissions

Seymour Hersh on US Bombing Nord Stream Pipelines — Radio War Nerd EP #366

We talk to legendary Pulitzer Prize winning reporter Seymour Hersh about his latest bombshell scoop: the United States, on President Biden’s orders, blew up the Nord Stream pipelines that were foundational to Germany’s export economy until last year.

Seymour Hersh on US Bombing Nord Stream Pipelines — Radio War Nerd EP #366 via Radio War Nerd


US bombed Nord Stream gas pipelines, claims investigative journalist Seymour Hersh

MoA: Some Small Corrections To Seymour Hersh’s New Nord Stream Revelations

Seymour Hersh is a legendary investigative reporter who has revealed dozens of crimes the U.S. government committed at home and abroad.

In his latest piece Hersh describes the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea by U.S. government forces. The destruction released an enormous amount of methane, a global warming gas. It destroyed Germany’s gas lifeline with Russia and thereby heavily damaged Germany’s industry. It was ecological and economic terrorism by the U.S. government targeted at an ‘ally’.

Some Small Corrections To Seymour Hersh’s New Nord Stream Revelations


CIA warned Germany of pipeline attack

More Biden Oil And Gas Restrictions Are On The Horizon

Despite pleading with oil and gas companies to boost their output in recent months, to tackle global shortages and rising prices, President Biden is once again hitting the industry hard by proposing a greater emissions reduction in operations. And he’s not the only one, as the U.K. and EU look to reduce gas flaring and venting practices to curb their methane emissions in line with climate pledges.

More Biden Oil And Gas Restrictions Are On The Horizon

Satellites discovered two “dark ships” near Nord Stream before the explosions

Just a day before the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines two unidentified ships were spotted in the area. The private satellite data monitoring firm SpaceKnow discovered two vessels with their transponders turned off in the area of the explosions. The vessels’ automatic identification systems were not working at the time they were passing the pipelines.

Satellites discovered two “dark ships” near Nord Stream before the explosions


The Truth About Unidentified Ships Seen Near Nord Stream Pipelines Before Blasts

‘Dark Ships’ Emerge From the Shadows of the Nord Stream Mystery

How Joe Biden Made the War in Ukraine a Gift to the Gas Industry

Gas execs

How Joe Biden Made the War in Ukraine a Gift to the Gas Industry

The letter, dated February 25, just one day after Vladimir Putin’s forces launched their assault on Ukraine, noted the “dangerous juncture” of the moment before segueing into a list of demands: more drilling on US public lands; the swift approval of proposed gas export terminals; and pressure on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, an independent agency, to greenlight pending gas pipelines.

Much of the new gas infrastructure won’t be operational for several years, which may be beyond the timeframe of the Russia-Ukraine conflict that has squeezed supplies and caused gas prices to spike. So much LNG export is planned or under construction, adding up to about half of all total US gas production, that it will probably cause gas prices to climb for domestic American users, according to Clark Williams-Derry, analyst at the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis

“It’s beginning to eat into the amount of gas available to domestic consumers,” said Williams-Derry. “We will see very severe impacts on domestic US gas prices. We will see the impacts for as long as the eye can see.”