Wisconsin congressman after visiting southern border: ‘We need to restart border wall construction’

Original source.

Whitewater’s police chief sent President Biden a letter asking for resources to help with 800 to 1,000 immigrants now living in the city since 2022 – specifically from Nicaragua and Venezuela.

Wisconsin congressman after visiting southern border: ‘We need to restart border wall construction’

Notice that he mentioned two countries that are sanctioned and that the USG has been trying to destabilize for years?! I uploaded the video on human trafficking, to Rockford, last week.

GOP debate bloodbath over Ukraine leaves room for agreement — on China

GOP debate bloodbath over Ukraine leaves room for agreement — on China

For all the talk about a divided GOP on foreign policy, it should be clear that when it comes to China, these eight candidates are more in agreement about where the country should be training its firepower, than not. Pinning them each down on what exactly they are proposing, and how far they will go to meet the threat, would be an interesting next exercise, sans the bloodletting.