‘One of Europe’s top right-wing extremists’: Who is the neo-Nazi behind this week’s Ukrainian attack in Russia’s Bryansk Region?

On Thursday morning, a group of armed operatives crossed the border from Ukraine into Russia’s Bryansk Region. The so-called Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK; or Russkiy dobrovol’cheskiy korpus), consisting of Russians fighting for the Ukrainian Armed Forces, claimed responsibility for the incursion. President Vladimir Putin branded the incident yet another terrorist attack, another crime… they entered the border territory and opened fire at civilians.”

‘One of Europe’s top right-wing extremists’: Who is the neo-Nazi behind this week’s Ukrainian attack in Russia’s Bryansk Region?


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[05-2022] Ukrainian blacklist that includes ex-Pink Floyd musician has MI5 as one of its sources

A Ukrainian blacklist claims to source some of its intelligence from Britain’s MI5. And it even includes a file on former Pink Floyd musician Roger Waters. The aims of the blacklist appear to be the suppression and elimination of voices critical of the Ukrainian government.

Ukrainian blacklist that includes ex-Pink Floyd musician has MI5 as one of its sources

Looks like Rogers Waters was added in 2018.

Brits Sanction Brit

Rather than use Phillips to build backdoors to potentially save the lives of Aslin and his fellow killers, MI5 cast Phillips out into the cold.

In their latest round of sanctions, the British regime has sanctioned British subject Graham Philllips, as well as a number of Syrians, who sent Syrian fighters to Ukraine. The main reason Syrians have to emigrate to kill zones is because Britain, working through her Muslim Brotherhood proxies, has destroyed the country and should be held accountable in a court of law for this. If Europeans are short of food and heating this winter, they should remember that that is what their governments have been doing to Syrians for the last ten years. That the British regime would further penalize Syrian Christians for fighting fascists in Ukraine should surprise nobody.

Brits Sanction Brit