NATO Official Says the ‘Bottom of the Barrel’ of Weapons Stockpiles Is Visible + US Transfers Alleged Iranian Ammunition Shipment to Ukraine

The head of NATO’s Military Committee is urging the alliance to increase arms production, warning the “bottom of the barrel” of NATO’s stockpiles is now visible due to the massive amounts of weapons and ammunition that have been shipped to Ukraine.

NATO Official Says the ‘Bottom of the Barrel’ of Weapons Stockpiles Is Visible


US Transfers Alleged Iranian Ammunition Shipment to Ukraine

So This Is What It Looks Like When the Corporate Media Opposes a War

So This Is What It Looks Like When the Corporate Media Opposes a War

So as we rally to support Ukrainian civilians against great-power aggression from Russia, let’s do so with the understanding that imperialism should always be opposed, that all civilian victims of wars and violent coups are worthy whether Iraqi or Honduran or Ukrainian—and that all criminals who violate international law should be held accountable whether they’re based in Moscow or Washington, D.C.

Canada’s fury at Russia’s recognition of the DPR & LPR shows its continuing subservience to US Empire

There has been a great deal of russophobic and sinophobic frenzy of late in our so-called mainstream media and on the part of politicians in Washington, Canada, the U.K. and Germany. What are the underlying reasons for this? Is it true that a Russian invasion of Ukraine is ‘imminent’?

Canada’s fury at Russia’s recognition of the DPR & LPR shows its continuing subservience to US Empire (Archived)

Ex-UN Expert: Stop Lying, Pentagon’s War Budget Has Nothing to Do With US ‘Defence’

The Biden administration’s new Pentagon budget spells danger to the world’s peace, says retired UN Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, explaining how US interventions, subversive ops, and endemic corruption have resulted in Washington’s excessive military spending.

Sputnik News: Ex-UN Expert: Stop Lying, Pentagon’s War Budget Has Nothing to Do With US ‘Defence’