West Caught Meddling in Bosnia Election

Oct 12, 2022 – Who is helping Bosnia recount the votes of their Presidential election? It turns out that the UK and NATO are helping with this recount even though the law in Bosnia does not allow this. So why do some countries get a vote recount and others do not? Who has something to gain here? We speak to Bosnian independent journalist Alexsandar Pavic to break this down.

West caught MEDDLING in Bosnia election, recount in doubt | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris via Redacted


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US Must Resist Temptation To Meddle in the Balkans Again

US Must Resist Temptation To Meddle in the Balkans Again

Bosnian Serbs are making a new bid to secede and create a fully independent state from the portion of Bosnia with a majority Serb population. Unfortunately, Washington and its NATO allies have made it clear on multiple occasions that such a step will never be tolerated. Consequently, Bosnia drifts along in its chronic ungovernable condition. Granting NATO membership to a country with those characteristics ought to be considered an absurdity on its face, but the lobbying effort to do so persists.

Another color revolution on the way?!