Peoples Temple, Guyana, and Essequibo

Ms. Cat

I got a little warning under my video…lol. Maybe Jim Jones was a CIA asset, after all?! [see below]* Anyway, feel free to click, on the pic, and watch the video (it only pertains to Peoples Temple and Guyana, BTW).

H/T: Jason Hunt


Peoples Temple and Jonestown in the Twenty-First Century. Cambridge University Press (2022).

Rebecca Moore on Jonestown


The Almost Classified Guide to CIA Front Companies, Proprietaries & Contractors

How the CIA Illegally Used African Americans for Experimental Drug Research

By now, many will be familiar with Project MKULTRA. For decades, the CIA conducted highly unethical experiments on humans in order to perfect brainwashing, mind control and torture techniques.

Perhaps the program’s most notorious aspect was the administration of high doses of psychoactive drugs to targets, particularly LSD. These substances were brought to Langley’s attention in 1948 by Richard Kuhn, one of 1,600 Nazi scientists covertly spirited to the U.S. via Operation Paperclip following World War II. When MKULTRA was formally established five years later, some individuals consulted directly on the project.

How the CIA Illegally Used African Americans for Experimental Drug Research

US asked to explain after Pentagon admits to operating 46 biolabs in Ukraine after months of denial

US asked to explain after Pentagon admits to operating 46 biolabs in Ukraine after months of denial (Archived)


Pentagon Admits Supporting 46 Biolabs in Ukraine

DoD Fact Sheet on WMD Threat Reduction Efforts with Ukraine, Russia and Other Former Soviet Union Countries (Archived)

Report of the International Scientific Commission for the Investigation of the Facts Concerning Bacterial Warfare in Korea and China (PDF)

Ukraine: The American Tyranny Of Power

Ukraine: The American Tyranny Of Power

The first thing these evil ruling oligarchs want is property, and the best way to drive prices down is to start a war, like they did in Vietnam, and in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen and the entire Middle East where people are fleeing the war zones. As soon as this happens, land prices go down and the corporate privateers sweep in.

Digital Directorate so it can more effectively control internet information. The control of scientific and technological information is just as important as the control of words and language, any intellectual information that is written or spoken. All the internet hypertext language is routed through the supercomputer processors of the CIA in Langley, Virginia. Vladimir Putin recently said that the Internet was a CIA special project. He was right.

H/T: The New Dark Age