The Gaza Maritime Route Was Netanyahu’s Idea, Maritime Aid Corridor Will Advance the Overthrow of Hamas, & When Will US boots be on the Ground in Gaza?

Diplomatic source to ‘Post’: Gaza maritime route was Netanyahu’s idea

According to the source, on October 22, two weeks following the war’s outbreak, Netanyahu discussed with President Biden the concept of “delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza via the sea, contingent on an Israeli inspection in Cyprus.”

Years before the Gaza war, Israel Katz, now the Foreign Minister, had drawn up plans for a maritime route via Cyprus involving a floating island.

The project was never executed. But he revived it after the war began on October 7. 


Gallant: Maritime Aid Corridor Will Advance Overthrow of Hamas

“The process is designed to facilitate aid directly to civilians and in this way, it advances [our goal] of overthrowing Hamas’ rule in Gaza,” the minister said.

“We will facilitate aid via the maritime route that is coordinated with the United States (security and humanitarian aspects), with the assistance of the United Arab Emirates on the civilian side,” he said. “It will include the appropriate inspections in Cyprus, and the goods will be brought by international organizations with American assistance.”

Air, sea, and land: When will US boots be on the ground in Gaza? Authored by Yonah Jeremy Bob*

Then suddenly, last Thursday, US President Joe Biden announced that the US would also supply maritime aid to Gaza, including building a makeshift artificial port off the coast.

This already imposes a long-term US military footprint in Israeli-Gaza territorial waters rather than a “mere” series of fly-throughs.

How hard would it be for a small complement of US Marines accompanying the aid deliveries to travel a kilometer or so into Gaza and to place themselves squarely in the middle of where Israel does not want them?

Moreover, US forces have been and are already on the ground.

US generals and counter-terror experts have been in and out of Israel since the start of the war, including visits to Gaza.

There are also a variety of US military personnel regularly in Israel on military and intelligence exchange programs.

US attempts to reform the PA

Speaking of intelligence, multiple times when a decision was made to try to improve and reform the Palestinian Authority security forces, it was the CIA and US special forces who came to the West Bank and Gaza to help train and prepare these forces.

It seems quite likely that the Jewish state, at some point, will ask Washington to perform the same service again in Gaza.

A broader version could involve a US-led peacekeeping force handling internal Gaza security for an indefinite period until enough Gazan Palestinians disconnected from Hamas can be convinced that taking on this role will not lead to them being slaughtered later by a resurgent Hamas.

From this perspective, the question about US forces on the ground in Gaza seems less of an if than it does a when, how many, and under more or less coordinated circumstances with Israel.

*Yonah Jeremy Bob was raised in Baltimore and graduated from Columbia University and Boston University Law School, respectively. He previously worked for the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Israeli Military International Law Division, and the Israeli Justice Ministry. – Wikipedia

Israel Has Bought a Mass Online Influence System

Defense, intelligence and civilian bodies realized soon after October 7 they were losing the online battle to what sources call Hamas’ ‘well-oiled psychological and information warfare machine.’ So they quietly purchased digital tools to fight disinformation, despite fears of future political misuse.

Israel Has Bought a Mass Online Influence System

Israel’s stepping up their hasbara and censorship.

Israel’s War on American Student Activists

For years the Israel on Campus Coalition—a little-known organization with links to Israeli intelligence—has used student informants to spy on pro-Palestinian campus groups.

Israel’s War on American Student Activists (archived)

Looks like those microgrants are for more than just attending pro-Israel protests.


Israel war cabinet resolves to shut down Al-Mayadeen in Palestine

Israel’s war cabinet on 13 November approved the decision to ban and shut down media companies that “give the nation a poor image,” with Hebrew media reports saying Israeli Minister of Communications, Shlomo Qurei, signed an order to end the operation of Lebanon’s Al-Mayadeen in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Israel war cabinet resolves to shut down Al-Mayadeen in Palestine

Source of dubious ‘beheaded babies’ claim is Israeli settler leader who incited riots to ‘wipe out’ Palestinian village

After an Israeli reserve soldier named David Ben Zion told a reporter Palestinian militants “cut [off] heads of babies,” Biden, Netanyahu, and the international media amplified the dubious claim.

Source of dubious ‘beheaded babies’ claim is Israeli settler leader who incited riots to ‘wipe out’ Palestinian village


Be on the lookout for Israeli information (propaganda/psychological warfare/etc) operations

No Proof of Beheaded Israeli Babies: White House Backtracks on Biden’s Comments

LIVE BLOG | Jenin Under Massive Israeli Attack, Many Killed, Wounded

Many Palestinians have been reportedly killed and wounded in an ongoing Israeli military operation targeting the northern Palestinian town of Jenin and its refugee camp. This is considered the most violent Israeli army operation in the camp since the massacre of 2002.

LIVE BLOG | Jenin Under Massive Israeli Attack, Many Killed, Wounded


WATCH: Palestinian Resistance Blow up Israeli Military Vehicles in Jenin

In an Expected Move, Russia Decides to Open Jerusalem Embassy Branch

Russia plans to establish a branch of its Israeli embassy in Jerusalem, the Russian Foreign Ministry revealed on Friday. The new outpost, which an official statement described as a “branch office of the Consular Section of the Russian Embassy in Israel,” cements Moscow’s claim to the land on which it is situated.

In an Expected Move, Russia Decides to Open Jerusalem Embassy Branch