Interesting USG Reactions to Wagner Group Rebellion

American officials determined as early as January there was an internal power struggle underway between the private military group Wagner and the Russian government, and have been gathering and closely ‘monitoring’ intelligence on the volatile dynamic ever since, according to officials.

US has closely ‘monitored’ power struggle between Prigozhin and Russian government for months


US to delay Wagner sanctions for fear of siding with Putin: WSJ

Cameron Hudson, a former chief of staff to the US special envoy for Sudan, stated that Washington had a strategy to “target, isolate, and weaken Wagner’s growth in Africa,” adding that by maintaining that approach, Washington is now potentially assisting Putin.

Seymour Hersh: Trading With The Enemy

Amid rampant corruption in Kiev and as US troops gather at the Ukrainian border, does the Biden administration have an endgame to the conflict?

Trading With The Enemy (archived)


Zelensky And Entourage Embezzled ‘At Least’ $400M From U.S. Aid Sent to Ukraine, Seymour Hersh Reports

Before the media decided to turn Zelensky into the world’s great leader and anoint him The Person of the Year, Zelensky was exposed by the Pandora Papers leak for having hid tens of millions of dollars in offshore bank accounts given to him from the billions of dollars corrupt Jewish-Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky had looted from Ukraine.

Taxpayers ARE on hook for bank bailout – and could even fund bankers’ bonuses

As regulators rush through emergency measures to prevent further chaos following the disastrous collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, there’s a point they’re very keen to emphasize: this is not a bailout.

Taxpayers ARE on hook for bank bailout – and could even fund bankers’ bonuses


Joe Biden stuck around just long enough to lie about who’s on the hook for SVB bailout

Corruption concerns involving Ukraine are revived as the war with Russia drags on

July 20, 2022

WASHINGTON (AP) — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s dismissal of senior officials is casting an inconvenient light on an issue that the Biden administration has largely ignored since the outbreak of war with Russia: Ukraine’s history of rampant corruption and shaky governance.

U.S. officials gave Spartz a two-hour classified briefing on Friday in hopes of addressing her concerns and encouraging her to limit her public criticism. She declined to discuss the briefing afterward but told The Associated Press that “healthy dialogue and deliberation is good for Congress.”

Rep. Jason Crow, a Colorado Democrat who sits on the House Armed Services and Intelligence committees, said he had seen no evidence to support allegations that Zelenskyy’s inner circle was trying to help Russia. But as the war continues, part of the long-term American strategy in Ukraine will have to include addressing waste and mismanagement of resources, he said.

Corruption concerns involving Ukraine are revived as the war with Russia drags on

Guess they’re not too concerned?! 🤷🏼‍♀️

Ecuador: Lasso’s Masquerade vs. People’s Real Demands

Today marks 15 days since the beginning of the demonstrations against the neoliberal government of Guillermo Lasso. During that time over 15,000 indigenous people and representatives of social movements have joined the protests to demand urgent actions to stop the collapse of the living conditions of the poorest and the entire working class. However, the response has been violence and police repression, which has already caused six deaths, hundreds of wounded, and over 200 imprisonments.

Ecuador: Lasso’s Masquerade vs. People’s Real Demands


Ecuador’s Lasso survives impeachment vote, halts protest talks