The FBI’s Material Support for Israeli Apartheid Against Palestinians

Tweet from Abed A. Ayoub, the national executive director for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)

By Chip Gibbons / The Dissenter

Israel’s war on the besieged Gaza Strip has entered its sixth day. The Israeli military has launched a massive bombardment with airstrikes killing over 1,000 Palestinians.

The FBI’s Material Support for Israeli Apartheid Against Palestinians

Two global leaders poles apart on the same issue

Jerry’s Take on China

China’s stance on war is very clear, in fact, it could not be more clear. In every conflict on the globe China calls for peaceful resolution and dialogue to resolve differences rather than force. A recently released White Paper, on the White Paper, on the Belt and Road Initiative, emphasised this calling for global peace, security and safety. China is nothing, if not consistent in this.

Two global leaders poles apart on the same issue

How To Explain U.S. Empire’s Support For Israel Right Or Wrong?

This morning came word that the Biden administration will next try to tie funding for Ukraine to funding for Israel, Taiwan, and more fortifications along our bipartisan wall on the Mexican border. Good luck with that grouping — Ukraine funding fatigue is so strong at the moment that it was used to oust the Speaker of the House.

How To Explain U.S. Empire’s Support For Israel Right Or Wrong?

[2014] Beware: Israel the Eager Provocateur. Is Hamas Israel’s Creation?

By Brian Berletic (aka Tony Cartalucci)

First published by Global research on August 8, 2014

With hostilities once again erupting between Israeli forces and Palestine, onlookers must keep in mind the greater agenda in which the current violence is playing out and the stated agenda of achieving hegemony over the Middle East in which Israel plays a pivotal role – as the “unilateral aggressor.”

Beware: Israel the Eager Provocateur. Is Hamas Israel’s Creation? WSJ


How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas

NATO’s Terror Hordes in Iraq a Pretext for Syria Invasion

Ukraine’ Assassination Program Has Gotten So Out of Control that Some of Its Members Are Starting to Speak Out

The Assassination Program Bears Parallels With the Vietnam Phoenix Program and Israeli Mossad Operations Targeting Palestinians

On September 9th, The Economist ran a remarkable story entitled “Ukraine’s Assassination Programme: Its Agents Have Become Expert in Dark Revenge.”

Ukraine Assassination Program Bears Parallels with the Vietnam Phoenix Program and Israeli Mossad Operations Targeting Palestinians

“Faced with unimaginable hatred.” Ukrainian Nazi veteran promised to go to South America

*Short Version, in English: “Faced with unimaginable hatred.” Ukrainian Nazi veteran promised to go to South America

H/T: Nicolas Cinquini

Floor to the defence. Hunka comments on September 28. Brisk but resentful, the 98 year-old alt Kamerad complains that due to the Canadian and international outrage, he is forced to seek refuge with friends in South America.

History, on this day : Babi Yar, September 29, 1941

*Long Version, AI translation:

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Chile, September 11, 1973: The Horrors of ‘the First 9/11’ Are Routinely Overlooked

Salvador Allende’s Final Speech on Sept. 11, 1973

Each September large memorials are held for the 9/11 attacks on the US. Yet few recall the far more destructive 9/11 that occurred 28 years before.

Chile, September 11, 1973: The Horrors of ‘the First 9/11’ Are Routinely Overlooked


Chile and the United States: Declassified Documents Relating to the Military Coup, September 11, 1973