Ukraine Detains Socialist Writer, Bans World Socialist Web Site | Russia Formally Charges WSJ Journalist with Spying for the CIA

Ukraine Detains Socialist Writer, Bans World Socialist Web Site | Russia Formally Charges WSJ Journalist with Spying for the CIA

At least Ukraine doesn’t discriminate, when it comes to detaining writers.

It should be noted that similar jailings are taking place in Russia, with some hitting close to home. This past December, Russians arrested Boris Kagarlitsky, a longtime Moscow Times contributor who was the main writer on the “Russian Dissent” Substack sponsored by this site. Boris, a socialist himself but not connected in any way to the WSWS, was denounced as an “inoagent” (a foreign agent) and given a five year sentence, which Russian authorities called “excessively lenient.” The case is one of the more absurd in the history of speech offenses. Kagarlitsky was initially accused of making light of a 2022 explosion on the Krimsky Bridge linking Russia to Crimea, thanks to a video titled “Explosive Congratulations to the Cat Mostik,” sarcastically putting a cat in the frame for the blast. The Russian news agency TASS noted Kagarlitsky’s “negative attitude toward authorities,” and Boris remains in prison. We’re trying to get more information about his status.

Mostik isn’t just any cat! Mostik = Bridge. Mostik is the mascot of the Crimean Bridge. Petty criticism, maybe. Anyway, I’m not surprised that the West is ignoring anyone detained in Ukraine for speech issues while screeching about ‘freedom of the press’ and ‘human rights’ in Russia.


Мостик Кот – Mostik the Cat

Кот Мостик to the rescue: Motor traffic resumed on Crimea bridge

Mostik announced that he’s fixed the Crimean Bridge!

Кот Мостик

I’m with good news!

The first cars have already driven along the Crimean Bridge.

You can travel by car or bus in both directions. While one lane is working – the reverse.

Soon trains will pass under the snow-white arch. Trains from Sevastopol and Simferopol went on schedule.

My bridge holds the shores tightly!

Кот Мостик


Motor traffic resumed on Crimea bridge

A train with 15 cars successfully passed along the railway part of the Crimean bridge

Crimean Bridge Opened For Cars. Official Reason Of Explosion Aroused Suspicions

Terrorists’ attack Crimean Bridge