Russian Victory Day Fused Celebration of Nazis’ Defeat With Call for New Multipolar World Order

The people of Russia and other former Soviet republics celebrated the sacred holiday of Victory Day on Thursday, complete with parades in major Russian cities and other solemn commemorations. Taking place against the backdrop of NATO’s ongoing proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, this year’s festivities bore a special significance, analysts say.

Russian Victory Day Fused Celebration of Nazis’ Defeat With Call for New Multipolar World Order

China’s Game in Gaza: How Beijing Is Exploiting Israel’s War to Win Over the Global South

Foreign Affairs so, yes, it has a bias. Author Mark Leonard

Still there are some points of interest. One obvious point made is the lamentable state of US diplomacy. Perhaps better acknowledged as non existent.

China’s Game in Gaza: How Beijing Is Exploiting Israel’s War to Win Over the Global South

The USG is doing a good enough job of ruining its reputation, on the international stage, but let’s blame China! 🤦🏼‍♀️

The enduring legacy of the East King of Sulu in Chinese-Filipino diplomacy

By Prof. Anna Malindog-Uy

ON December 3 last year (2023), I embarked on a meaningful and soul-stirring journey to pay special and heartfelt tribute at the tomb of Sultan Paduka Batara, known as “Pahala,” at his sacred resting place in Dezhou, a captivating city in China’s Shandong province. It was indeed a momentous experience for me. It was also an educational and inspiring half-day trip.

The enduring legacy of the East King of Sulu in Chinese-Filipino diplomacy

The Grim Prospects of US Proxies: Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan

By Brian Berletic

Source: New Eastern Outlook

As Russia’s special military operation (SMO) approaches two years of intense fighting, having parried Ukraine’s “spring counteroffensive” and with the initiative shifting to Russian forces, Western capitals are now admitting they are reaching the limits to remaining support for Kiev.

The Grim Prospects of US Proxies: Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan

Interview with Dr. Aqel Taqaz of the Palestinian People’s Party

The International Magz

We speak to the international secretary of the Palestinian People’s Party, Dr. Aqel Taqaz to discuss the internal contradictions of both Palestine and “Israel” and the current state of the Palestinian left.

Interview with Dr. Aqel Taqaz of the Palestinian People’s Party


Debojit Banerjee interviews Deputy Secretary-General of Palestinian Peoples’ Party

US seeks to ‘militarize’ Venezuela-Guyana disputed territory

The Geopolitics in Conflict Show

The Venezuelan Foreign Minister says that the parliament recently passed a referendum protecting the sovereign territory from US encroachment, adding that the US is again trying to interfere in the 200-year-old dispute of Essequibo.

US seeks to ‘militarize’ Venezuela-Guyana disputed territory


President Maduro Accuses Guyana of Becoming an ExxonMobil Branch Amid Border Dispute (+Geneva Agreement)

Exxon Is The Biggest Winner In Guyana’s Epic Oil Boom

China and Venezuela to Establish ‘All-Weather Strategic Partnership’, Sign 31 Cooperation Agreements

The Venezuelan leader added that his country would continue to back China’s Belt and Road Initiative as well as the internationalization of the yuan, and is also willing to cooperate with Beijing in multilateral forums such as the BRICS group and the United Nations (UN).