New Thai Government’s Vows Obedience to US Foreign Policy: Myanmar is First Victim

Following recent general elections in Thailand, influenced heavily by years of US interference, a pro-US proxy regime is poised to take power.

Even before officially taking office, the leadership of the victorious Move Forward Party has vowed to help pursue US foreign policy objectives both in regards to “rebalancing” Thailand away from China and back toward the West, as well as regarding US interference elsewhere in Southeast Asia, and more specifically, Myanmar.

New Thai Government’s Vows Obedience to US Foreign Policy: Myanmar is First Victim


Anti-junta parties dominate Thai elections but may struggle to form government

US intervention leaves rifts that take years to heal

by Brian Berletic

With so many countries around the globe still subjected to US influence, either literally occupied by US military forces, or ruled by a government helped into power by significant US assistance (or a combination of the two), and with so many countries the target of possible US-sponsored regime change and interference in contravention of the UN Charter, it is important to take a look at the history of US occupation and the indelible scars it leaves on the countries and their inhabitants even decades after the US finally withdraws.

US intervention leaves rifts that take years to heal

3/24/23: Ted Snider on the Rapidly Changing World Order

Scott is joined by Ted Snider to talk about the real-time shift we are living through from a unipolar order dominated by Washington to a multipolar world where different blocs engage on more equal footing. They start with the war in Ukraine where western officials are doubling down on some of the choices that have thrown Eastern Europe into chaos in the first place. They then zoom out and examine how Washington’s recent foreign policy has driven Russia and China closer together. That leads finally to a discussion about the ramifications of this Chinese-brokered deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

3/24/23: Ted Snider on the Rapidly Changing World Order (YouTube)

The Homeland or Death: Accomplishments of the Traoré Government in Burkina Faso

Who is Prime Minister Apollinaire Joachim Kyélem de Tambèla?

Burkina Faso cheered and celebrated at the news of Apollinaire Joachim Kyélem de Tambèla’s appointment to office as prime minister on October 21st, 2022. While there are many new faces and figures in Burkinabé politics right now, Kyélem de Tambèla is a familiar face to many Burkinabé who have known him for decades. In other circumstances this label may be given out too freely but, Kyélem de Tambèla has rightfully earned the title of Sankarist as demonstrated by his own background.

The Homeland or Death: Accomplishments of the Traoré Government in Burkina Faso

H/T(YouTube): Traoré & Burkina Faso oust the West for a Pan-African & Multi-Polar Future

West tells Global South ‘you can’t be neutral’ in Ukraine war: You are either with us, or against us

The foreign ministers of the US, Germany, and Ukraine told the world at the Munich Security Conference, “Neutrality is not an option” in the West’s proxy war against Russia, implicitly criticizing the vast majority of Global South countries, which are independent.

West tells Global South ‘you can’t be neutral’ in Ukraine war: You are either with us, or against us