[Video] Freedom Convoy, Canada is not Communist China!

Video: Freedom Convoy, Canada is not Communist China!

The irony of the Freedom Convoy believing the Main Stream Media’s Lies against China as that same media Lies about them. Racist, Extremist, Misogynist, White Supremacist, Fringe Minority and people with unacceptable views. The politicians threaten with fines, imprisonment, taking children away, confiscating trucks, taking drivers licenses away and yet the protesters carry signs saying “This is Canada NOT Communist China.” You would think after being targeted with the MSM rhetoric of lies they would understand that what they have been fed over the years might just be another lie. This is a special video that I think will make you think about what you have been fed. Yes this is directed at the Freedom Convoys around the world.

This is a link to all of Gweilo 60’s channels on Link Tree.

Source: Gweilo 60 on YouTube.


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