Scores of Russians take Latvian language test as deportation looms

Riga – In a Stalinist skyscraper dominating the skyline of Latvia’s capital, dozens of elderly Russians wait to take a basic Latvian language test as a proof of loyalty to a country where they have lived for decades.

Scores of Russians take Latvian language test as deportation looms

Flashback to when Trump said that he was going to make federal employees to take loyalty tests:

‘Full-blown fascism’: Donald Trump envisions a ‘civil service test’ for ‘every federal employee’

Why is Soros leaving Tajikistan?

As per the statement posted on the website of the Open Society Foundation (“Open Society” or Soros Foundation – which was declared an undesirable organization in Russia back in 2015), the so-called “charity” of American billionaire George Soros, whose fortune is estimated by Forbes at $6.7 billion, has decided to close its branch – the “Assistance Fund” – in Tajikistan. The alleged reason for this decision being “a restructuring launched in 2021 aimed at setting new priorities and restructuring the more than 20 semi-autonomous national foundations around the world with a new regional approach.”

Why is Soros leaving Tajikistan?


CNN: George Soros admits to funding the Ukraine crisis [2014]

Leaked: George Soros ‘Puppet Master’ Behind Ukrainian Regime, Trails Of Corruption Revealed