The Coming Battle: ‘Who Lost Ukraine?’

As it becomes more and more difficult to deny what is happening on the battlefield in Ukraine, a grinding war with hundreds of thousands of casualties, establishment media continue to present a picture of the war designed to rally the public, should its enthusiasm for this latest American overseas adventure begin to flag in the face of long and hard realities.

The Coming Battle: ‘Who Lost Ukraine?’

H/T: Neocons Will Blame Anyone But Themselves For Losing Ukraine | With James W. Carden

Francis Fukuyama and Michael McFaul are salivating over the Wagner Group mutiny!

Francis Fukuyama, who hasn’t seen a regime change op that he hasn’t liked, and Michael McFaul, former US ambassador to Russia, are salivating over the Wagner Group mutiny!

Did Wagner Group Take Over Military Headquarters? What We Know


Interesting that McFaul mentioned Tilley and Trotsky.


The Neocons:

The Neocons are not new. They have tried to influence U.S. foreign policy since the 1930’s. They are not conservative. If conservatism means maintaining the status quo, then the Neocons, who advocate broad changes, are just the opposite. Furthermore, if the early pioneers of neoconservatism are those who eventually sought global stability through use of American power and promotion of its values, then the pioneers of neoconservatiam were radical leftists The more prominent devotees were followers of Leon Trotsky:

A Tragedy of Errors

Prigozhin a Tool of the CIA/SBU or Too Big for his Britches?!

How the POW/MIA flag took over America: Have You Forgotten Him?

THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION PROMISED a return to normalcy, but one of its most telling acts of restoration passed with barely any comment. Early last year, the administration hoisted the POW/MIA flag above the White House, where it had flown for decades until Donald Trump abruptly relocated it to the South Lawn in 2020. In an era when even the most minor symbolic sparks can ignite endless outrage, few Americans noticed Biden’s gesture—and why should they? Reverence for the POW/MIA flag is a truly bipartisan position. Left, right, and center united when Senators Elizabeth Warren, Tom Cotton, and Maggie Hassan penned a letter asking Biden to “restore the flag to its place of honor” just days after his inauguration.

Have You Forgotten Him?

PayPal Blames ‘Error’ For Policy Change With $2500 ‘Misinformation’ Fines

A PayPal Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) change set to go into effect on November 3 included the possibility of imposing penalties on users who “promote misinformation.” But after former PayPal president David Marcus and Tesla CEO and PayPal co-founder Elon Musk tweeted about the new rule on Saturday, a spokesperson for PayPal said that they never intended that to be the case.

PayPal Blames ‘Error’ For Policy Change With $2500 ‘Misinformation’ Fines After Elon Musk Calls Them Out

I’d be scared after that one word, too! 🙄 #clickbait

Chile’s Draft Constitution: Undemocratic—or Too Much Democracy?

Chileans will vote in September on whether to approve a new constitution that promises to address inequality and lack of democracy (Reuters, 7/4/22). It would replace the present constitution imposed by the dictatorship of Gen. Augusto Pinochet, who came into power through a US-backed coup in 1973. The nation’s newly elected left-wing leadership is calling for a “yes” vote, although in the much-divided country, the constitution faces steep opposition from the right.

Chile’s Draft Constitution: Undemocratic—or Too Much Democracy?

Beware the redux: America’s violent Cold War history

Hollywood loves a sequel, but the Russia-Ukraine crisis has made the possibility real, and no one should want to see it.

The “us versus them” rhetoric and global military maneuvering likely to play out in the years to come threaten to divert attention and resources from the biggest risks to humanity, including the existential threat posed by climate change. It also may divert attention from a country — ours — that is threatening to come apart at the seams. To choose this moment to launch a new Cold War should be considered folly of the first order, not to speak of an inability to learn from history.

Beware the redux: America’s violent Cold War history