Zelensky regime leads request for social media platforms to censor “disinformation”

Ukraine has spearheaded a collective call to action, joining forces with seven other Central and Eastern European nations to combat “disinformation” on social media platforms.

Zelensky regime leads request for social media platforms to censor “disinformation”


A joint letter from European heads of government to global technology companies on the need to engage in the fight against disinformation

Social media has become a potent channel for spreading false and manipulative narratives. Paid ads and artificial amplification on Meta’s platforms, including Facebook, are often used to call for violent social unrest, bring violence to the streets and destabilize governments.

Wider Europe Briefing: Ukraine’s Big Plan To Fight Russian Disinformation And Why The EU Is Stalling On Belarus Sanctions

Now, Kyiv wants to repeat the trick by starting an “Information Ramstein” to combat Russian disinformation on a larger scale.

Deep Background: In a letter written by Ukrainian Culture Minister Oleksandr Tkachenko and addressed to the European commissioner responsible for transparency and values, Vera Jourova, he notes that “Ukraine is up against Russia’s vast and centralized information warfare and international influence machine, which includes assets from troll farms to state media, energy companies to corruption networks. Though it cannot compete in terms of scale, Ukraine does have one huge advantage: It can ally with its international partners to create coordinated, targeted, joint-influence operations.”

Timeline: Euromaidan, the original “Ukraine Crisis”

Genuine grassroots revolution or NATO backed coup? Here are the facts to help you decide.

Timeline: Euromaidan, the original “Ukraine Crisis”


George Soros admits to funding the Ukraine crisis [2014]

Canada’s fury at Russia’s recognition of the DPR & LPR shows its continuing subservience to US Empire (Documents Canada’s role in the Euromaidan and the Orange Revolution)

NATO’s relationship with Ukraine, actually started in 1991 when they signed joined the North Atlantic Cooperation Council. George Soros invested in the 2004 Orange Revolution and the Euromaidan. Not to mention, Pierre Omidyar co-funded Ukraine revolution groups with US government.