CJ Hopkins has been given a choice of jail time or a fine for two tweets and a book cover

American satirist and playwright C.J. Hopkins has been sent a “punishment order” and a choice: 60 days or 3,600 Euros.

What is his crime? Essentially, his “crime” is insulting the German health minister in a tweet, and using a scarcely-visible image of a Swastika on a mask in a book critical of the global pandemic response.

CJ Hopkins has been given a choice of jail time or a fine for two tweets and a book cover


The Road to Totalitarianism (Part 3)

Mass Formation Hypnosis Disorder

Well, gosh, this is kind of embarrassing. For approximately the last two and a half years, I have been documenting, analyzing, and occasionally satirizing the so-called “New Normal,” i.e., the new, pathologized, official ideology that has been rolled out all across the planet by the global-capitalist ruling classes under the pretext of combating an apocalyptic pandemic … or at least that’s what I thought was going on.

Mass Formation Hypnosis Disorder

The Rise of the New Normal Reich: Consent Factory Essays, Vol. III, banned in Germany, Austria, and The Netherlands!

So, the censorship of my latest book, The Rise of the New Normal Reich: Consent Factory Essays, Vol. III (2020-2021), continues. Amazon.com has now banned the book in three countries … Germany, Austria, and The Netherlands.

The Rise of the New Normal Reich: Consent Factory Essays, Vol. III, banned in Germany, Austria, and The Netherlands!

“I CAN’T BELIEVE THEY’VE BEEN SANCTIONED!” – The New Russian Supermarket Gameshow!

Get ready to CRINGE! 😀 “A lot of truth is said in jest” – Here’s a lighthearted, and hopefully entertaining tour of a Russian Supermarket, showing the level of hardship shoppers are facing 3 months after the West imposed a record level of sanctions against the Russian people and the economy.

More updates from inside Russia as events unfold.

iEarlGrey on YouTube

Also available on Odysee


As a podcast


YouTube: “I CAN’T BELIEVE THEY’VE BEEN SANCTIONED!” – The New Russian Supermarket Gameshow!


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Russia’s Spy Chief Exposed The US’ Plot To Impose The Davos World Order Onto The West

Naryshkin’s article should be an eye-opener for those among the Western masses who end up becoming aware of it and especially those who consider reading this brief piece in full using Google Translate. They deserve to know that Russia’s top spy believes that their elite are manipulating the people’s perception of events in order to impose the World Economic Forum’s evil plans upon them to ‘have nothing and be happy’, not to mention his prediction about their liberal-Nazi dictatorship future.

Russia’s Spy Chief Exposed The US’ Plot To Impose The Davos World Order Onto The West


Ukraine: A new battle in the old war of the “New Normal”