Biden Is Letting Think Tanks and Dodgy Foreign Funders Get Cozy Again

At some point over the past few years, the Biden administration revoked one of the few progressive policies that Trump-era officials implemented in the effort to bring greater transparency to foreign influence in Washington. The New Republic has learned that with little fanfare, and with even less explanation, the White House has stopped requesting that American think tanks disclose funding from foreign governments. “This is not the policy of the U.S. State Department,” an agency spokesperson said last month.

Biden Is Letting Think Tanks and Dodgy Foreign Funders Get Cozy Again (archived)

Ep. 5819 – Jeffrey Kaye on US Bio-weapons and the CIA’s Attempts to Hide Them – 12/16/22

Scott talks with Jeffrey Kaye about an article he recently published on the CIA’s effort to suppress reports about the use of bio-weapons by U.S. forces fighting in Korea. The agency went to great lengths to dismiss those rumors and claims as communist propaganda and the results of brainwashing. Then in 2010, the agency declassified documents that contained evidence of U.S. bio-weapons use in the Korean War. Kaye and Scott discuss the relevant history and why it’s important today.

Check out the interview page here.

The Scott Horton Show


Secret Plan Revealed: CIA Told to “Destroy” Those Supporting Communist Germ Warfare “Myth”

“False” Confessions Cover-up: U.S. Told Airmen Who Admitted Germ War in Korea They Could Reveal Information If Captured

Who Really Started the Korean War?