Rules for Pentagon Use of Proxy Forces Shed Light on a Shadowy War Power

U.S. Special Operations forces are not required to vet for past human rights violations by the foreign troops they arm and train as surrogates, newly disclosed documents show.

The irregular warfare program has provided training to allied forces in countries that face a threat of invasion by larger neighbors, the senior Defense Department official said. The Washington Post has reported that an irregular warfare proxy program in Ukraine was terminated just before the Russian invasion, and that some officials want to restart it.

Rules for Pentagon Use of Proxy Forces Shed Light on a Shadowy War Power

Pentagon exploits post 9/11 laws to wage ‘secret wars’ worldwide: Report

Pentagon exploits post 9/11 laws to wage ‘secret wars’ worldwide: Report

The report comes at a time when the US army and its proxy militias are accused of illegally occupying vast regions of Syria and Yemen, looting oil from the war-torn countries, just over a year after their brutal occupation of Afghanistan ended. Moreover, a former US official on Tuesday revealed that anti-Iran militias are being armed in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region (IKR), where both the CIA and the Mossad are known to operate.

Four voters with disabilities have filed a federal lawsuit to ensure they can vote following Supreme Court ruling + More

Four voters with disabilities have filed a federal lawsuit to ensure they can vote following Supreme Court ruling


Disabled Voters File Lawsuit Claiming Wisconsin High Court’s Ruling Barring Help Returning Ballots Violates U.S. Constitution

Before the ballot box, Americans with disabilities have problems getting voting information

Capitol Police to use Army surveillance gear to monitor Americans and ‘identify emerging threats’

Capitol Police to use Army surveillance gear to monitor Americans and ‘identify emerging threats’

“As awful as the events on Jan. 6 were, increased use of biased surveillance technology is never the answer,” he said. “Such technology will inevitably be used to target Black, brown, and Muslim communities and protesters, not White, racist, far-right mobs like those who were given free rein to enter the Capitol. So we need greater civilian oversight of police, not greater police power.”