Washington’s REAL Policy on China – “Repairing Ties” is Theater Ahead of Sanctions, War

The US Build-Up for War with China

– Visit by US Secretary of State attempts to portray the US as “reasonable” versus a “belligerent” Chinese “dictatorship;”

– Secretary Blinken recited the US “One China” policy, omitting the many ways the US has and still is blatantly violating it and provoking China;

– US strategy follows similar pattern of the US “reset” with Russia or the US-Iran “nuclear deal,” where the US sought to appear to have exhausted diplomatic options before moving on “reluctantly” to economic sanctions and war;

– Such a strategy is necessary for consensus building among US allies who would otherwise be hesitant to join the US in both economic sanctions and eventual military intervention versus China;

– US policymakers are already busy planning sanctions against China, which includes an already ongoing public relations campaign to sell Russia-style sanctions against China, as well as preparations for military operations to follow the sanctions;

– The US has a long-standing strategy to encircle and contain China spanning decades, indifferent to presidential administrations;


Washington’s REAL Policy on China – “Repairing Ties” is Theater Ahead of Sanctions, War (Rumble) via The New Atlas

4/4/23 Jeffrey Sachs on What Led to War in Ukraine

Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University joins the show to discuss the war in Ukraine. First, Scott asks him about his extensive experience telling the truth about American foreign policy on national television. They then take a look back at the important developments that led to this war over Ukraine. They discuss the talks after the fall of the USSR, the Russian interest in the port at Sevastopol, the true beginning of the current war in 2014 and more

4/4/23 Jeffrey Sachs on What Led to War in Ukraine

The alliance of MI6, the CIA and the Banderites

After having shown that the war in Ukraine was prepared by the Straussians and triggered on February 17 by Kiev’s attack on the Donbass, Thierry Meyssan returns to the secret history that links the Anglo-Saxons to the Banderites since the fall of the Third Reich. He sounds the alarm: we have not been able to see the resurgence of Nazi racialism in Ukraine and in the Baltic States for thirty years, nor do we see that many of the Ukrainian civilians we welcome are steeped in Banderites’ ideology. We are waiting for Nazi attacks to begin in Western Europe before we wake up.

The alliance of MI6, the CIA and the Banderites

The current status of the investigation into the murder of Darya Dugina

*Updated note: The translation links no longer work. You’ll need to copy and paste the links into Google Translate.

The current status of the investigation into the murder of Darya Dugina (translation)

And, most likely, it was not the Americans, but the British. In the USA you have to get in order to eliminate a people, much too many signatures from the very top. And then you would say directly that it was. So it was in Afghanistan with the leader of Al-Qaeda, Bin Laden. The assassination was approved with the signature of President Obama. So it was with the assassination of Iranian General Suleimani on the personal order of President Trump. The British quieter and without the signature collection. And they love their cars. The MINI Cooper, for example. This is a weakness. And the next step – for the beauty of purely English murder it would be to strangle Natalia Vovk somewhere and to give Russia the blame. So you could finish the Whole thing. And the tracks would be blurred.

The articles are in German by independent journalist Thomas Roper. I’ve provided links to the English translations by Google next to them (the language can be switched at the top of the translated articles). He suspects that it was British intelligence, as did Nicolas. Thomas connects Ilya Ponomarev, Michael Khodorkovsky, and Alexei Navalny to George Soros. He also points out that Ilya Ponomarev wrote, and worked, for the Center for Strategic and International Studies, which is connected to the Free Russia Foundation. CSIS is funded by various Western governments, corporations (oil and defense industries), and NGOs; including George Soros’ Open Society Foundations and the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation. On another note, quite a few from the Biden Administration have worked at CSIS including Antony Blinken (State Department), Kathleen Hicks (Defense Department), and Kurt M. Campbell (National Security Council Coordinator for the Indo-Pacific).


Soros and Kiev supported the group is behind the murder of Darya Dugina (translation)

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